Just feel so uninteresting


Well-known member
Does anyone have an issue with expressing knowledge or do you find it challenging to concentrate on a book or a film? thus struggling to articulate what the book was about or even rememberring characters that were mentioned, i just feel that if my memory was stronger i would have more confidence around people, the brain is like a computer and it needs training and the maintenance iby exercising and reading all O that.

its due to anxiety i know but there are people i know who literally remember every conversation they have, most of a film and the lines in that movie after, an entire book after one time and i envy people like that, sometimes ill turn up to a party and we are all sitting around in a group and someone will say a line of a film and then everyone else will add to it and i just feel like the odd one out, it happened on the weekend, and my cousin said "whats your problem" just because i didnt know about the film, i just feel that i try soo hard but everyone else has that something extra that makes it look easy! 8O


Well-known member
occasional wastage of brain power

hey i know what you mean.. and i still get frustrated about it every now and then. it's like i'm reading or studying a paragraph of something for school and after reading it, i realise that im just reading the words but i dont take in the meaning/gist of it (like, what;s the point of it all if you can't get in the most important part of studying)... :?

so i'll have to go over n over again, many more times than "normal" people do, until i get that 1 damn paragraph clear.. which wastes SO much time - which can be utilised for studying other things.. :x

it's, F*cked Up!


Well-known member
I also know what you mean. Anyway.. but's it's probably like this... People remember different things! ;)
One of my friends has problem reading and remembering names, but when we saw X-men 3 a couple of days ago he could remember almost every part of the movie. On the other hand my vocubalary is much bigger than his. We all have different memories :)

But yeah anxiety definately makes it harder to concentrate on things and thus remember stuff. A way to improve this might be just to become more aware of the moment.. stop daydreaming and keep your awareness on what your doing. When you are watching a movie, try concentrating on the movie, when doing laundry - concentrate on that :roll:
Everything also becomes more interesting when you are more aware and I think it may be a way to improve SA too. Like when you are socializing you should stop worrying and focus on other people and what you are talking about.

Just my 2 cents.


Well-known member
Depression also plays a big part in memory loss.There's been study that shown a correlation between depression and memory impairment.Not to say everyone with sa is depress but it does appear a lot in sa cases.


Wow, are you my twin? This is crazy, I can totally relate to you on this issue. In fact, I seem to relate to everyone on here...it's like I entered a world I actually belong to. *Praise the internet* Anyways, I experience exactly the same thing. When Im having conversations and a movie or show pops up I can never remember something interesting or funny about it in detail. I can never remember lines, unless they are memorable and short. I always screw up trying to repeat a line or a event. Most of the time I never get it right and I always feel left out because I know how much more popular you are when you repeat something great about the movie and have a good laugh about it. My attention isn't that great either. Only when IM really comfortable can I really absorb something, otherwise my anxiety inteferes with my attention span. Anyways, can totally relate with you on that one.


Well-known member
Richey said:
Does anyone have an issue with expressing knowledge or do you find it challenging to concentrate on a book or a film? thus struggling to articulate what the book was about or even rememberring characters that were mentioned, i just feel that if my memory was stronger i would have more confidence around people, the brain is like a computer and it needs training and the maintenance iby exercising and reading all O that.

its due to anxiety i know but there are people i know who literally remember every conversation they have, most of a film and the lines in that movie after, an entire book after one time and i envy people like that, sometimes ill turn up to a party and we are all sitting around in a group and someone will say a line of a film and then everyone else will add to it and i just feel like the odd one out, it happened on the weekend, and my cousin said "whats your problem" just because i didnt know about the film, i just feel that i try soo hard but everyone else has that something extra that makes it look easy! 8O

I know exactly what you mean, I'm going through the same thing...like I have to keep reading a book or a paragraph several times but if someone questions me about it, I have no idea how to express/summarise it...the main points...etc... or even the exact words... it's very frustrating! :x


Well-known member
I too have the same problem. the worst thing i have is generating an opinion. Somtimes i feel i really dont have an opinion in that particular thing they are asking me about. I guess maybe i am a slow thinker and need more time to think it over.


Yea me too, Im not so quick witted like others, I prefer to think things over before I express my opinions. So I end up saying "uhhh" and "ummm" and "hmm" and "wellll" alot. Sometimes my thoughts will come out without my brain noticing and I'll say something stupid like "Does that beer like flying" Instead of "Does that guy like flying" you see. So as you can see Im not completely focused on the convo and my brain was really thinking about beer at the time. Can get me in trouble, I once called this girl by my ex's name by accident. Ughh, I felt so stupid.

My friend once said "condom" instead of "condo" on a public bus, LOL. Sorry, I had to throw that in.


Active member
Wow I've had the same thoughts/feelings as all have posted in this thread =). If only I can remember things, I'd have stuff to talk about. Sucks to spend time watching a movie or reading a whole book and not have any recollection of it six months or two weeks later.

Maybe it does have to do with depression or just brains being wired differently. We all have strengths and weaknesses. I suppose if everyone had a line to say that would seem strange, but maybe they do that kind of thing often and come prepared? Could try gushing about how great everyone's memory is and how you're such an airhead.. say it with good spirits.

I find I remember better if I can react emotionally to something, to make an imprint... my brain just doesn't seem to bother to remember run-of-the-mill stuff hehe.

I've also wondered if my trying to suppress or repress painful memories from running around my brain, I block good memories too ?
Or it's that the trivial stuff I have remembered hasn't done me much good in life, so why waste energy learning more ? Again, depression....

One thing I really should be doing though it writing things down in a journal... forgetting stuff people have told you about their lives is the worst.


Active member
I can relate to not being able to remember good movies lines and also when to comes to reading. I sometimes forget things people had just told me, it's like my brain is turned off and I'm just standing there with a big "Vacancy" sign on my forehead....HELLO MCFLY....hey I did remember a movie line, but maybe messed it up. :lol:

For me being in a group talking about a movie gets me anxious, I just pretend to remember parts they talk about try to play along. I'm just used to feeling out of the loop of things when I'm in a group, generally feeling like I don't belong so try to find an excuse to remove myself.


New member
I get it many times. I just lose train of thought all the time and i can't help it. I got asked a few questions by my doc and my head was just focusing on my anxiety or my worring and i just go blank :(


Well-known member
Yeah, I have the same problems concentrating, etc.

For some though, sometimes the effects of SA can be used to one's advantage.


yea same here. Cant read book coz I know that I will not understand I will just read the words. Very often there is just nothing interesting, no point, tired of everything.