Just accepting your depression/who you are?


Well-known member
I don't have time to really read and digest your post properly atm, but I can say for me, I have learned that being close to the darkness is part of who I am and I no longer want to fight it so much as try to accept it and I truly revel in the places of light when they come...but I can make a friend with the darkness and be OK there too.

Basically, I have learned there's no right way to be and I sure don't want a drug making me into something I am not. I tried those options and they were temporary. Happiness is temporary..I am OK with that now. The best things in life are rather fleeting anyways. I hate that I get so damn sad but I am learning to fight it and live with it.

I really ultimately want to create art during these times, for me that would be triumph over it. I hope to someday be able to master depression that way, to rein it in and tell it to Fuk-off. I don't need prozac I need inner strength. More inner strength.

Best of luck to you!


I've been thinking how easy it is to be depressed, and being happy seems like a lot of work. We're all going to die someday anyways. Who's going to care if someone was happy with their life or not. If they were happy, great. If they weren't and all they ever wanted was to leave this world, then great too.

You should, for you and only you :)
I believe depression in most cases is a part of life (unless it is medically explained by inner changes, which happens quite rarely).

Two things:
1) Acceptance - accepting who you are, what you feel
2) Trusting yourself - everything is going to be just fine. Life always finds the way :) Trust yourself and in a better future because you have to keep in mind that many people were there before and made their way out of it.

Regarding sleep...have you tried anything besides medication?
Jogging helped me a lot + meditation worked wonders but I didn't have case of extreme Insomnia.