Just a random rant from a random person


Well-known member
Well, I'm not even sure where to start. I'm not sure why I even bother writing this posts since no one really cares, but this is the only site that I know of that is use to vent soooo, here goes... Anyways, this past year I've been feeling really down and I hate to admit it. It's odd because I can't even seem to find the words to express how I feel. I just feel sad/confused/lonely. I try to talk myself out of it by saying things like "It's all in your head" "get a grip, youre not like this" but no matter what I say to myself, I just feel like nothing.

Everything is just going wrong at this point. I'm failing college and lost all motivation to continue. It's ironic because just this past year, I would tell myself that I will try to get A's in all my grades and transfer. But what happens throughout the semester? I keep getting that same damn feeling. The feeling to just quit. So anyhow, tomorrow is the last day to withdraw classes. I'm currently taking 2 classes, U.S Government (for the 2nd time) and Calculus 2.

I started out well in college. I even made it to deans list the first year. I was so excited about attending. I had this rush of emotion. Looking at my grades now, my emotion actually reflected my grades. I had superb grades my first year and the summer semester. Anyways well after that, it started going down hill.

Not sure what else to write. It's 2am and my thoughts are just all over the place.


Well-known member
I've definitely felt this way before. I've failed 3 semesters and my GPA is like a 2.3 so I got a job at a supermarket or any entry level job will do.


Well-known member
Try to measure the pros and cons of quitting in the long run. Sure, you might get a sense of 'relief' because it's what your mind wanted you to do, but focus on the things you can achieve if you keep pushing through, not only in terms of work, but also in terms of perseverance and self-discipline.


Well-known member
Do you think there was something that caused the downturn in mood? Something that could be changed or made better?
If it was me I would try to battle on if I possibly could. Having a structure around me and things I have to deliver does help keep me going in difficult times. Being at home with nothing to do and no-one expecting anything of me usually makes me spiral further down.