

Well-known member
Hi, everyone...just looking for a little advice. I'm wondering about jobs for people with SA/SP. Are there any jobs that are better suited to people with SA/SP? The reason I ask is that I really need a job...I usually keep a job for 5-8 months and then I have to quit because of my SP. So far I've been a marketing coordinator at a museum, a personal trainer and a computer help desk guy. In every one of these jobs I'd get up in the morning and have to decide whether to drive to work, drive to a psycho ward, or drive off a cliff. I'm pretty much at a dead end. Any thoughts? Can I ask what some of you do? And for you university / college students...what are you studying and hoping to become?


Well-known member
I work in a very small office with my back near a wall so I can see the whole room. I'm only bothered a few times a day for a couple sentences worth of interaction. This is the only job I've ever had that I didn't dread going too. I'm actually establishing a few connections with people who don't freak me out. Very cool! :)


Well-known member
Those are some pretty good jobs you know! How did you handle the personal training? That must have been intense. What did marketing coordinator job involve?


Well-known member
Hi Dedication. Those are some awesome jobs. Marketing coordinator for a museum, sounds great! I am an art History student, I would love to become a museum curator, professor, jobs which include, unfortanately, interactions with a whole lot of people. I am going to grad school next year so I dont know what my future hold with me having SA and all :( I work in retail right now weekends only and its pretty tough. The only reason why I am still at the job is because I really like this guy :wink:
Anyway I would love to get a better job but its so hard because my SA is real bad and I think I may not succeed in life with this condition.


Well-known member
Hey, Office sounds like you have a good thing going...I hope it continues to go well for you.

JWH...actually I didn't handle any of these jobs very well. The personal training was okay cause I'm really into fitness...but after a while I couldn't handle dealing with people anymore. Plus the fact that I started dating...then lost...the most wonderful woman in the world while I was working there :(

The marketing job was a really good job but I got so stressed out and wierd that I had to leave...nervous breakdown territory. I was basically helping to put ad campaigns together, working with budgets, working with curators, it involved a fair amount of stress. At the time I chalked it up to being over-stressed and inadequate...I didn't know I had SP.

NerdGirl178...that's great that you're studying art history...and grad school, too! I have to ask what you thought of the Da Vinci Code :). I hope you one day realize your dream of becoming a musuem curator / professor. I would love to have my old job back knowing what I now know. And good luck with the guy you like :wink:

LilMissTragic...goat herding's a great idea...will they provide a goat herding stick or is that something I'll have to provide?


Well-known member
Seek, that is definitely something I would like to try one day when I get rid of SP and tired of computers. :)


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Hey Dedication...I have read the Da Vinci code. Its sooo good I read it like in five days. Even though it is not historically accurate, most of it is made up, in a very clever way by Dan Brown, it is so exciting and had a surprising ending. The book blew me away. I never read novels, someone reccomended it to me. I usually read books on art and history, medieval and ancient. Anyway let me stop boring you to death, lol. Hope your career goes well.


Well-known member
The best jobs for people with sp are jobs where you are not tied to one place all day.These are jobs where you are independent and out and about.Idealy you should strive to be your own boss,doing something you love.


Well-known member
Is there any real way to make money from internet? Home business? Google says there're many but the ones i checked was crap. Is there any site you know we can make money on?


Well-known member
Y said:
Is there any real way to make money from internet? Home business? Google says there're many but the ones i checked was crap. Is there any site you know we can make money on?

making websites isnt something that I can do but it is something that seems to pay good money and you can do it from home - I reckon this would be perfect job for someone with SP

that or something in the arts/crafting that you can make at home and sell