Jobs / Work /Employment ... no no This is not spam


Well-known member
I am wondering how many of you work. Do you have a stable full time job or a part time one? Are you between jobs and looking for one or are you not looking for a job in the near future? If you don't work how do you support yourself?

Why am I asking? Since finishing Uni I have been working. It was very difficult, but have been working for a few years, and for a while it did get better and was thinking about career progression and maybe getting my personal and social life in order.

That didn't last for too long and lately it seems like I am on a downward spiral again. Party because workload has increased, but more importantly because I am not really the graduate/junior/intern anymore and I am expected to do what others in my job are expected to do.

Lately its seems like meetings and more meetings or calling people. Its complicated by the fact that I can't seem to concentrate or even understand the work. I tried to compensate by putting in long hours to get the work done, but when the workload increases that becomes impossible.
In any case, its tiring. It has worn me down, and social anxiety coupled with that, I am currently almost non functioning at work.

I am wondering if I can do this job anymore. This is the job that I have held the longest, so I am reluctant to walk away and I have no clear plan what to do if I quit.

What do others think? Are they comfortable in their jobs or at least is it viable for you to continue?


Please no quoting and no real names thanks.


I've basically molded my school/work around my SA. I'm going to school online to become a medical transcriptionist. When I graduate 8 months from now I'll be working online too, and the school will even place me into a job. If you're interested send me a pm and I'll give you information on the program.



Well-known member
Hi, although my name doesn't start with Silent, i'm gonna post a reply anyway;)

I'm now in a full time job, the first that i've had. It bores me to death but at the same time i am not sure what i am doing. People at work have quick wits and minds and can think very fast compared to what i can do in my sa induced state, so not only do i feel socially isolated, I feel i can't even do the job properly.

God Silent Stranger i can't see myself staying at a job for a few years, so i think you've done brilliantly. I guess one question to ask is whether you enjoy any aspect of your job at all. To be honest being employed at one place for a few years is quite a stretch in today's standard, as so many people move between jobs quite often. You can always say at your next interview that you've learnt all you can learn there and are looking for new challenges, or want to gain experience in a different area.

It's interesting though what work pressure can place on a person's state of mind and personality. My cousin, who is very bubbly and sociable, who had tonnes of friends at uni and builds instant rapport with people, had been on a downward spiral ever since she landed a job a few months ago, and she told me she became withdrawn, didn't know how to talk to people, was nervous and unsure all the time. It seemed the work was too much for her and that affected her confidence so much she's pretty much like me now. It makes me wonder how someone like her can be reduced to that, it's like the process that makes you get sa has happened before my eyes.


Well-known member
Yes I did enjoy my job. Thats the hands on technical work. Early on this job I did that almost exclusively, but things have changed now. I hardly do the technical work and the way things are going we will not be doing any at all in the future.

Things have been heading this way for a little while. What has stopped me so far from looking for a new job is the fear of unknown. Not only I am worried about the interviews, but I am worried that the next job might be worse.

What has changed?

Not only I am struggling with SP at work, now I have to defend people accusing me of being lazy and people complaining about my work.

Even though I did become a bit more social during this job, I feel this is no longer the case. Partly because people have moved and more importantly because the stress of work is making me turn back into a recluse.

Although I am pretty certain that I want out of this job, I am not sure to leave the field or not.

SilentType, I have PM'ed you. I am interested in what you hope to do.



Well-known member
In general I'm ok at my job and I have minimal anxiety. I do feel it when I have to attend a staff meeting, that's when my anxiety is very high, but for the most part I'm ok with what I do.


I cant believe how similar i am to the people that posted above me. I too have a computer engineering degree and i've had 2 jobs so far. one for only 6 months and another for 2 months and I've been out of school for 2 years now. The entire work environment is hell to me. I have a hard time talking to coworkers especially since people are so fake at work. And when youre an outsider its very hard to keep your job unless you are a superstar worker. After losing my last job I'm really not sure what to do. I feel like I will lose my next job within a few months as well...I suppose I will just look for another job in the same field since I really don't see any other options at this point in my life. Work is very depressing to me. Every day I come in and my goal is to just make it to the end of the day - never to get anything done. That's probably why I've had 2 short jobs but I cant stand looking at my computer screen for 8 hours a day. There is no motivation to get work done at work since if you do get everything done you'll have nothing to do and then you'll go insane with boredom staring at a computer screen. I really dont know waht to do.