Job question


Well-known member
I would like to get a part time job, and like i have zero experience because of my SAD/SP disorder.Also i didnt finish my high school and would like to get it at some point, my problem is with resumes.I dont know what to write, whether i should stretch the truth or be honest and say i have basicaly had no work history.I did have a small part time job at the local newspaper once but it really wasnt a job job.What should i do? :oops:


Well-known member
part time work isnt that difficult to find if you baulk-apply, hospitality is easy to find work because there are always waiters/bar staff that move around to varied locations, admittedley hospitality is quite full on because your always forced to interact with people and its focussed on customer service and is physical and exhausting but its not bad pay, i recommend something part-time in a video-store or newsagency unless your desperate for work and will go for anything also courier work is suited for those who prefer the more solitary job, ive been working in hospitality for a few years and while you get used to being around people its always awkward, but sometimes you have a day that goes well and you get to know people more but it never gets any easier ive noticed, you just become used to the environment of the job, also at the same time maybe you could look for a short course or part-time uni in a career your interested in, mature-age students over (21) can be a shoe-in if the course doesnt claim enough applicants, and it does help your resume but its not essential, but i can empahise with you i remember how harrowing job hunting was when i was applying for work almost every day last year and turning up for interviews with constant rejection because the competition was so intense and people had more experiance then I.


Well-known member
just list your qualities. say that you're punctual, dependable, things like that. i'm sure you'll find someone to hire you


Well-known member
Richey said:
part time work isnt that difficult to find if you baulk-apply, hospitality is easy to find work because there are always waiters/bar staff that move around to varied locations, admittedley hospitality is quite full on because your always forced to interact with people and its focussed on customer service and is physical and exhausting but its not bad pay, i recommend something part-time in a video-store or newsagency unless your desperate for work and will go for anything also courier work is suited for those who prefer the more solitary job, ive been working in hospitality for a few years and while you get used to being around people its always awkward, but sometimes you have a day that goes well and you get to know people more but it never gets any easier ive noticed, you just become used to the environment of the job, also at the same time maybe you could look for a short course or part-time uni in a career your interested in, mature-age students over (21) can be a shoe-in if the course doesnt claim enough applicants, and it does help your resume but its not essential, but i can empahise with you i remember how harrowing job hunting was when i was applying for work almost every day last year and turning up for interviews with constant rejection because the competition was so intense and people had more experiance then I.

really good advice.. i agree with almost everything you said


Well-known member

Should i lie on resumes on tell the truth about my work history which is like none :( I dont know what to do bout that part.


Well-known member
I'm in the same boat as you are I've never had a job but I really need to get one soon. I've been telling the truth so far but I haven't got a job yet so i don't really know which is better. I'd rather just tell the truth though because I'd be more embarassed to get caught in a lie. You do what you think is best though but since you're asking for advice I say just tell the truth.


Well-known member

What did you write on your applicatons on the job history line? Also do you have a resume made up?


Well-known member
I do have a resume made up (its not very long lol). I just put not applicable or nothing at all. I still don't have a job though so i dont know how much help i'm being.