job interviews, i know we all hate em


New member
so i hate my job and have applied at many places for the last month and even in this boom economy in canada no call backs until today. got an interview for tommarow and im gonna be terrified, i say gonna because im not stressing it now but i know when the time comes im gonna say stupid things or the wrong things etc etc etc. i havent had an interview for so long and im so unprepared and im shitty at them to begin with. anyway i could careless if i dont get the job, im so used to being disappointed. hey u know what that might actually work. not giving a crap if i get the job might help me be more relaxed during the interview because i wont be under as much pressure. i wont be all like i have to get this job or whatever. i'll have to try that out. enough about my crap life. what do u guys do to relax during interviews. there herbs for anxiety and stuff but i've never tried. they might be usefull at situations like job interviews. u guys try anything?


Well-known member
Interviews definitely suck. I'm going to one in two days or so. I've been meditating lately and it's gotten rid of a lot of my anxiety, though which is awesome. Also, eliminating/reducing your caffeine intake does a lot to keep you from trembling or getting the jitters in social situations... if you have the same problem I do!

Also... keep on spreading the love and optimism. It's the only way out. Peace out homie...


Well-known member
drink some hot stress tea, try to push it out of your mind until you get there, and then fake it 'til you make it. that is basically how i cope with... everything haha. not saying it's healthy, but again, keyword: cope.


Well-known member
Job interviews are ok for me, it's the actual job that bad for me. lol It's acceptable to be nervous in an interview, but people think you're weird if you've been working there for a longtime and still are nervous around people.