Job Interview


Well-known member
I'm going in to try to get a job as a secretary. I think it's for a small place, so I hope it won't be too stressful of a job. Anyway, I want to be prepared but I also don't want to worry too much about it... But I am still nervous.

Does anyone have any advice? Things like, "describe yourself" or "why do you want to work here" throw me off a bit and I never know how to answer them the right way. I never know what sort of things to say about myself and I know you aren't supposed to say you want a job for the money, but that's really the only reason I am looking for one (well, and to get out of the house more). What are some other questions I should be prepared for?

Also, I don't really know what to wear... I don't really have very many nice clothes because I don't go out much and don't have a reason for them. But I don't really want to go in a t-shirt and jeans. And I don't know what I should do with my hair... Straighten it? Or put it up in a pony tail?

I hope I don't get stuck in a waiting room like I did for my last two interviews. Then I really will worry too much and then my hands will get all sweaty and I'll be really embarrassed to shake hands.

Oh, I just thought of another question I don't know how to answer: What do you think you can contribute to this job?


Well-known member
I don't like interviews. Mainly for the reason that alot of questions are hard for me to "fake" my way out of. Like "why do you want to work here?" My real answer would be "I need money" but I know I can't just say that. So I need to think of some other reason that makes me sound like I love the company or whatever. Questions always seem to be too personal. I know they need to know what a person is like besides there ability to do a job but alot of those kinds of questions don't seem like they would give a clear picture


Well-known member
I feel the same way about interviews... Plus, I am a terrible liar and have a hard time making things up.


Oh, another thing: I know you are supposed to ask questions at an interview, but what sort of things should I ask?


well the last time i got interviewd
the guy sais "are you mental"
i said "AYE"
so i never got the job, im glad though, cause i never wanted the job in the first place


Well-known member
congrats on getting the interview! they can be stressful, but practice does help. i'm not good at interviews, but i've had more than one in my lifetime. The important thing is to stay calm (Sometimes it helps me to mentally repeat mantras- the one i use is "I am calm confident and collected" and that helps me to gather my thoughts)
I usually will write out answers to questions that i think i'll be asked, and go over saying them as much as i can- you want to be able to answer the question, but not keep on talking too much.
You want to relate most every answer to the job. And you want to bring up your experience/skills at every point you can.
Common questions-
1. tell me a little bit about yourself (this one is really open- maybe think of 3 or 4 things to say- such as what was your last job, your education, relevant classes you've taken, your computer skills, any special skills should come up here, etc..)
2. Why should we hire you? Why do you want to work here? (you've answered this one a little bit- you said since it was a small office you'd feel comfortable- that's a good answer- you can also add that you have (whatever) skills and feel they are relevant. (obviously you have already computer/internet skills, and you want to relate any previous job experience)
3. Tell me your biggest strength and your biggest weakness. (Nobody's perfect, and everybody has a "weakness"- whatever your weakness is, you want to show that you're working on it, but don't dwell on it. And pick a biggest strength (you care about the job, you're easy to get a long with, you have relevant job skills, you'll be ontime, when you start a task you like to follow it through whatever works for you)
4. Do you have any questions? (always ask a question- my fallback is how many people are you looking to hire? what qualities are you looking for in a secretary (this way, even if you don't get the job, you'll maybe know why or what to work on) and if they haven't answered it, what does a typical day look like for this job?
5. Tell me about a time you had a problem and you solved it (i've been asked this one a few times- you want to find a specific example... it doesn't have to be anything great- like mine is dealing with an angry customer, and you want to focus talking about the solution)

as far as outfit, hmm... usually black pants and like a buttondown shirt will work, so if you don't have anything, borrow! and i think a ponytail always looks professional. but above all- be on time! (aka a few minutes early)

lol i always wipe my hand on my leg as i get up to get off any excess sweat- i hope noone's noticed :D

if you have the time, feel free to check out books on interviewing, but for me writting out my answers and going over them so i can remember it better helps.


Well-known member
I think the job interview went well. I didn't get the job because I live too far away (45 minute drive) and he was hoping to find someone closer. But he did say to come back in January to see if they are any busier because he might need me then. That's good, right?