

Well-known member
Does anyone else get jealous of people fairly easy? Sometimes my cousins talk to each other about their jobs (which aren't that great one works with his dad and the other one at a store) and I'm just sitting there listening to it, makes me mad I can't get a job. Makes me feel even worse when they say comments like 'Oh once you get into the real world you'll see what its like.' Well I've got 100x more stress then either of them put together if i can handle that i think I can handle the 'real world'.

Even random people I see at school I'll hear them talking about what they did or doing on the weekend and I feel mad that I never get to do half the shit they do. Anyone at all relate to this or am I the only one? :evil:


Well-known member
I don't get jealous... more like depressed. Or a strange longing I wish I was them if it was someone I look up to from a distance or something.

I managed to get a job but I had help putting that first foot forward. I really hate the job, but it pays well, and I know how fortunate I am to actually have it. So I try not to complain to much about it. But it is tough seeing newer people come in and fit right in, making friends and doing stuff with other co-workers and you still don't have any real friends and you're weekends are pretty much a bore.

So no, you're not the only one I don't think. Not by a long shot.

But oh well... here's hoping for change =)


Well-known member
i feel this way often but it is important to remember not to compare yourself to others. make progress, that is what matters.


Well-known member
In my case, I get really jealous. For some reason I believe that if I didn't have SA I would have been way ahead in life then this boasting punk that is standing in front of me :evil:
