Ive been through so so much....


Well-known member
ive been through so much.......i mean ive had people try to turn me gay. all my friends turned against me or were against me hoping i would end up to be gay, thank god it didnt work. i was goin through alot and everyone in my house my brother my sister, and even my father were talking about me. and it was regarding my sexuality. i went mental for a good while people everywhere they were talking about me...not everyone but it was alot of ppl. the world is soooo crazy. i had headaches, sleepless nights. its crazy. even at my church they talk about me......but now ive made it to a stable mental state. i recognized that it wasnt me, it was them. now ppl dont talk about me much. i actually hear my sister and brother talk about me when im in my bedroom like wtf. they tried to make me crazy purposely, im thinking im hearing voices no its really them. well im done with it...........done
What people say about you is none of your business. Stop listening to your inner voice so much........... I still struggle with this also but just being aware that your thoughts do not represent you makes a big difference. Read this book carefully and tell me your feedback. ( The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself : Michael A. Singer)