It's told that being bullied can be a profit in some way


Well-known member
Good morning ,

I want to take up that topic. Were you ever bullied in any way? And how was it like?

I need to tell that I've few such expierences fortunately, rather in the
primary school, a few also later, but it was sporadic fortunately. And it
related some rather trivial things, childish, or simply derisory things...
Or at least it's my opinion about it...

And I'd like to share wiht you all who were whenever bullied, that I've read somewhere that being bullied (of cours in a moderate degree) in the young age helps psychologically in the anti-stress immunity forming. I don't know it's true - what do you think? But if so, it'd be a great consolation that even such troublesome and hurtful experiences can be the profit for us... :!:


All bullying has ever done with me is give me a depression and severe suicidal thoughts. Bullying can never be good in my opinion.


New member
Aeon said:
All bullying has ever done with me is give me a depression and severe suicidal thoughts. Bullying can never be good in my opinion.

Like all past experiences, you can learn something from it. Obviously you are not at the stage yet, but someday you will be.

What did I learn from it? Keep your integrity and don't change just because the world wants you to. Some of us are square pegs and we are not meant to fit into round holes, so don't force yourself.


Well-known member
darknight said:
Bullying is never great..... :cry:
i agree, and sometimes i wish the 'bulliers' could now see the damage they've done to people..and see the long-lasting effects their stupid, selfish behaviour has had on others :evil:


I never got bullied because I have my fellow HMONG race to back me up, "You mess with one, YOU MESS WITH ALL" that's my qoute ^.^ Also I stand up and say to bullies I"LL KICK YO ASS NIGGA!


Well-known member
Hey Snaefridhur - yeh I was a victum of bullying. Its strange tho, coz I dont look back at it being an altogether shitty time.
In the UK, secondary schools hav a class system (yep they start us off early!) where after the first year everyone gets separated and put into a class which best resembles their intelligence / delinquency. Being a kid who was classed as hyperactive meant I was put into set 4, one set above FIVE which housed future-certain mass murderers and people most likely to set fire to your face (and happily tell your mother abt it) :(
Being in this low-low set meant that "normal" kids didnt want anything to do with us and that we had to fend for ourselves. It was prettty bleak but, A major plus was that if some stooopid sonofabitch did start some shit then it was guaranteed that members from my set would back me up. always.
In class things were totally different - it was like open-season on anyone. (more me than anyone) but after 5 years of this, when our year ended school and moved to college, I noticed the guys who gave me the most shit turned out to be my best friends, :D
Looking back I guess they were beating seven shades of shit out of me b'coz they cared... **sniffle


I dont think the stress and fear of being bullied does anything favourable for you. It produces cortisol that leave you more prone to heart attcks and depression later in life. It doesn't teach you to stand up for yourself either. Being valued and having a sense of secure placement and self worth teaches that - not being kicked when you're down.


Well-known member
Being bullied, even after it hasn't happened, has made me have a low self esteem, and made me almost constantly depressed, and has made me automatically assume the worst possible thing from whatever anyone says to me...

Thats not to say i havn't had a profit from being bullied, but its certainly not along the lines of less stress.

"Bullying is not good, all it shows is that this world is one dark, vicious place."

I learnt that from being bullied... and i think thats a double edged prophet.. i've learnt some wisdom, and i've learnt to have more empathy, and im some aspects be a better person because of it... i dont think it was worth it though. id rather be ignorant... i feel bullying has pulled he wool away from my eyes, and now i can see the world and life for what it really is


Well-known member
I don't think bullying is ever good. It's given me major trust issues. I don't trust anyone completely.


Well-known member
Its true, about trust issues. But i am willing to admit that those are useful as well as horribly depressing. There are times people have turned against me, or just terminated friendship, and i've been far less hurt han when i was regularly bullied, because of trust issues, paranoia, and having a sharper eye for the more human traits people hold (greed, arrogance, ego, jealousy, selfishness etcetera).

I don't think having major trust issues is entirely unjustified. Unless, your willing to trust people who are only out for themselves, and are only friends with others for their own emotional convenience. Of course if you weren't bullied you might not let that thought cross your mind, and you'd either be stuck in friendships that are just based on selfishness on both sides, but ignornantly or happy, or you'd be able to notice it. I'm not really sure which is better.

I do know though, I am who I am, and being bullied shaped me quite a bit. It can be a significant part of ones life. You could say i've cowered, but wheres the line between cowering and looking out for yourself?

I've got some friends nowadays who are good people. And thats because trust issues make me damn picky, and when i find someone i truly want as a friend, i do everything make it happen. I seamlessly combine negativity and living in a dream, isn't it great?

Don't get me wrong, i hate the people who bullied me, i am intimidated by people i can't predict the actions of, and people stronger than me. But has a protective animal instinct. And we are animals. And it makes me a tougher person to have those instincts.

I could never honestly say people should be bullied (its fair enough because im speaking about myself).. i guess i'm just trying to say if we all just call ourselves victims... then thats all we will ever be... and then they've won.

People get their come uppance somehow anyway. I don't mean through some cosmic justice.. cowards who got away with bullying will one day run into people who can do it to them... and even the biggest guy in the playground, or the boss in the office, will be hated if they're a bully.

And if that doesn't happen, and they are really carefree and stuff, they'll probably die younger.

I'm a ray of sunshine...


i have been bullied loads off time but i ignored it and then it whent away now i am in high school and this lass only whent and hit me the other day i was like i havent done nowt to you and my mam had to come and pick me up and go to the deputy head and sort it out


Well-known member
i think bullying can ruin ur entire life, especially done at a young age. To those who think it can make u strong .. well i guess there r 2 kinds of ppl.. some who prefer to fight, some who just submit. unfortunately at that tender age, many submit & they tend to be bullied forever n life becomes miserable.