Issues with shopping in puplic...

Ok, so I was recently on a trip with my family (which was terrible for my anxiety but that's another story...) and we went shopping.
Now, I do most of my clothes shopping online so I didn't think anything of it, but I got really worked up.
I was trying clothes on in one store and the girl working there was picking out dresses for me to try on... and as soon as I got alone in the change room all I thought about was "Ok, I'm safe. I just need to lock the door and she can't get in." IDK?!

Do any of you guys/girls have similar issues?

BTW, I'm Jenn, 21
I'm new to this website and have been struggling with anxiety for almost 3 years, but just this past year I developed more severe social anxiety, and it sucks. I'm on 187.5mg of Effexor and attend bi-weekly sessions with a counsellor at my university.


lol i never worry about anyone following me into the changing rooms. But i cant stand being around crowds of people in a shop.


Well-known member
I feel the same way.. it gets worse, when i have to go to a public washroom... i feel like anyone would come in and beat me up.....make me feel like an ass...
faithnomore said:
lol i never worry about anyone following me into the changing rooms. But i cant stand being around crowds of people in a shop.

lol... that’s not really what I meant...
I wasn't worried someone would physically follow me into the change room, I was more EXTREMELY relieved to have somewhere to escape... to be alone and just breathe.