Is this social anxiety disorder?


I m new here so hello to all. Im going to try to make this short and list my problems. Ive been like this my whole life but it became apparant in high school. Was very uncomfortable in school. Had few friends, very hard to walk down the hall by myself felt people were looking at me. So much anxiety.
-Same thing at the mall feel people are watching me although im 34 now and its not as bad its tolorable.
-Dont like to eat in front of people unless i know them and am used to eating with them. Restaurants i can do alot better now although i look for a table as far away from people as possible. Would never go eat in a restaurant alone it would embarrass me. I hide my food at work so noone sees me eating. Even if im home eating at the table and some stranger walks by the window i hide my food i dont want them to see me eating....
-never been comfortable with any relationship, cant truely be myself unless im alone, cant sing infront of people cant do anything because everything embarrasses me. sat down 4 days ago and told my gf of 5 years some of these things and i still feel funny and a bit embarrassed a week later and wish i had told her nothing.
-very uncomfortable around crowded places, and loud talking give me anxiety, also arguing between 2 people that im not a part of, but am in the room make me very uncomfortable and alot of anxiety. I make sue though noone knows that im uncomfortable though because that would embarrassme me and make me feel weird. Dancing is a no-no way too embarrassing for me, people will see me and think i dance funny. I could go on and on.
I now none of this is logical it makes no sense yet this is how i feel everyday. This is the first time ive spoken of this.
Hi and welcome, I can relate to the anxiety eating in front of others, I was diagnosed with social phobia for this - it caused panic attacks. Social anxiety/phobia is based around feeling that other people are watching you and judging you unfavorably, which causes anxiety. Therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy help by retraining the thinking patterns that produce this anxiety. I'm sure you will find plenty of understanding here. :]


Well-known member
Yes, that is what he is saying.

I have diagnosed by four psychiatrists, two doctors and two psychologists, and I concur.


Well-known member
But we are not qualified to make a diagnosis - that is just our opinion - so you should see a doctor about making a conclusive determination on the matter.