Is this OCD??

Hey ,

I never told anyone this, Because I feel too ashamed.

I have a aunt, and everytime when she visit us, I think she thinks that I like her. I don't like her, because I just see her as a family member, but my mind tells me that she thinks that way. So I act weird around her.
And I'm so ashamed I can't tell anyone because then they would think I like her, but i don't .. dont get me wrong please.

Also at a friend's house, i think her parents think that I like her brother, so i blush everytime when he is around, and I feel so embarrassed. And I EVEN DONT LIKE HIM! I just find him a good person, i'm not in love with him!!!
But I think her father thinks weird stuff because he always looks a bit mean when he looks at me, and now my mind says that he thinks that I want sex with her brother, and i absolutely dont want that!!! Ohh this makes me so insanely crazy.

Also when I watch the news, I always think, would that happen to me too?
Sometimes I think like what would have been if I was in that situation, how much anxious would I have felt? (really bad things on the news.. )
Then I feel so much panic in my stomach, i think way too much about stuff.
I really don't want to take it personal...

And when I'm sitting in the garden, I think people can see me, Because Now i'm sitting in the garden and I'm not dressed the best, and I have a bad hairday, i'm almost about to dress myself better for nothing -_-...

These thoughts drive me crazy,
And i feel so ashamed of telling this to you guys,
Everybody would think i'm the most crazy girl xD


Well-known member
you're no crazier than the rest of us! Actually you fit right in! :)
Those thoughts are ****, but don't let them drive you crazy, they're only thoughts


Well-known member
I agree with Scooter, you're no crazier then anyone else here.
What is normal anyway? It's simply what society deems to be what most people do, so it becomes acceptable. I think we here are all rebels, breaking down the walls and making the abnormal normal. :)
You should never be ashamed of your thoughts, the human mind is an amazing thing, it's when those negative thoughts become actions that you need to reign them in.