Is this OCD?


Well-known member
I just realised, when i was about 16-ish (i'm 18 now) i used to have reoccurring thoughts of things that could go wrong. I believed that because i merely 'thought' of the idea, that it WOULD happen, so i'd used to repeat to myself, 'that will never happen'. etc..

Also, recently i've developed a habit of fiddling with 'imperfections' (for lack of a better word) on my arms (don't laugh) and i'm getting slightly obsessed about getting to fat, even though i'm only 9 stone 2 at 18 years old. lol


Well-known member
Addictions/obsessions tend to be based on anxiety. I know, because I used to compulsively masturbate/repeat certain mantras/obsess over appearance whenever I was anxious. Anything that would get me to avoid a bigger problem would fit the bill, even if it meant obsessing over inconsequential details.

I still avoid a lot of things, but I've been more forceful in stopping a lot of my major addictions and obsessions. They just waste so much of my time.


Well-known member
I do it because of my anxiety, Just something to mess around with, keep my hands busy like.
Could be that to be honest, doesn't sound like anything irrational you have to go out of your way for.
If it does get to an extent where you find yourself going out of the way and constantly checking for these things at an amazinly small interval then I would keep track and see if you were having any anxious thoughts at this time.


Well-known member
DSM IV Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Criteria

This is OCD. If you go to a mind doctor they will assess this criteria and if you meet all of it, they determine that you have OCD.

There is also a diagnosis of OCPD which is Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder. My doctor has diagnosed me with this. I think OCPD is more focused on ridged perfectionism. I personally dont have many compulsions, just obsessions.

DSM IV OCPD Criteria (Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder)

Only a doctor can officially diagnose you but this DSM criteria is what they use in their assessment.