Is this caused by Anxiety?


Hi guys,
Lately I have been feeling very ill.
I was laid off of my job due to a shortage of work and I am currently waiting for the response from the job I have applied for (I have the job just not sure when they will have me start).. Basically I am staying at home doing nothing while I wait.

Anyway my question is, during this time I have been feeling these symptoms, I know probably none of you are doctors but, I don't really have anyone to ask and walk-in doctors do not take me seriously.. could these symptoms be cause by stress, or am I actually ill? I am 23.

- Pain in the top right middle side of my stomach, and pain in the bottom part of my abdomen, with sometimes a slight pain in my testicles.

-Always feeling of being tired and overall lack of energy, feeling very anxious.

-Having trouble concentrating.

-Change in my stool, unable to have a full poo, just small bits at a time.

- Loss of appetite, even though I still eat enough.

- Headaches.

- Dull to sharp pains in my throat and neck.

- Stinging chest pain.

Have any of you had these pains from anxiety, or am I being a hypochondriac. These pains just feel very real and hurt..


Well-known member
I'm no doctor, but these sound pretty similar to the symptoms they list in the official questionnaires. Off the top of my head, I think the list goes : headaches, insomnia, fatigue, loss of appetite, stomach pains, diarreha/constipation, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, excessive sweating, trembling. I might be forgetting some. Then again, these are all common symptoms for lots of different things. If you don't tell the doctor about your anxiety, they might not put 2 and 2 together. A lot of people are nervous wrecks when they go to the doctor's, so it's hard for them to guess how nervous we are the rest of the time.
Obviously, see a doctor if your symptoms continue for much longer; how about getting out and doing something while you're waiting instead of staying at home? keeping active will ease the anxiousness as well as get the sluggish internals moving


Well-known member
You probably should see a doctor and have some tests done. Some of those symptoms could be side effects of anxiety. Symptoms of panic and anxiety can feel very real and physical. It is important though to find out what is really going on, and to rule out a whole host of possible conditions.


Thank you for your comments, I appreciate your inputs. I will start by going to see a doctor, aswell as get out of the house and get some excercise. I am thinking about getting a gym membership aswell. : )