Is this a crazy idea?


Well-known member
My university has sent me an email about a job opportunity. The money is good, I would receive full training and they would work around my timetable. The only problem is I'm not sure if I can do it. Basically, they want me to go back to my old school or college and give a presentation about university life. Obviously, as I have SA, that sounds terrifying to me, but part of me really wants to do it.

My anxiety was really bad at school. I had selective mutism which meant I couldn't say a word to anyone. I remember the younger kids who laughed at me and thought I was a freak and they are the people I would have to speak to (though they weren't all bad). I can't believe I'm even considering it, but if I did and it went well it would be the biggest confidence boost of my life! Of course it could also go badly and be the most depressing embarrassing disappointment of my life.

I know it sounds like a big step for someone with SA but as weird as it sounds, I'm actually more comfortable giving a presentation to a big group than having a one to one conversation. I think it's because it's more professional/work based speaking and not really socialising.

Anyway, I was just wondering - am I crazy for even considering this? Would you ever do anything like this? Do you think I should give it a go?



Well-known member
I think you should definitely think about going. You are not crazy for considering that. This is a huge opportunity for you and them sending you an e-mail like that should make you feel very good about yourself.

It is a big step for someone with SA but if you do this, maybe it will help you a lot with SA. Make sure you really think about it. You don't want to regret anything. But I think you should give it a try. Best of luck to you.


New member
I strongly "encourage" you to resist and face your fear; it sounds like you have a lot to gain from this.

Good luck :D


Well-known member
Thanks for the support guys. I emailed them asking for some info about training and they emailed back saying someone would contact me soon. I just hope I'll be able to go through with it.