Is it possible to implement CBT Strategies on yourself?


New member
So, I have what I guess you would call moderate social anxiety. I was just wondering a) if people have found CBT to be useful for social anxiety and b) if you think it would be possible to use the techniques without actually attending therapy, since it can be expensive.

I'm a psychology major at college, so I know some of the basic techniques, I just don't know if they would work if I tried them without actually attending therapy. Any opinions or suggestions would be great :) Thanks!


Hi Sapphire21

There are alot of programs you can purchase or download off the internet for CBT and its a bonus if your studying psych! :) I'm jealous of you I've been meaning to go back to Uni and study psych myself!! How severe is your social phobia?

I would also give Hypnotherapy a go if I was you that helped me alot more then CBT although you need to use both in order to keep fighting this disorder, hypnotherapy helps to stop phobias and change your beliefs about yourself I noticed a very big difference that being said you need to find a good therapist who use the ericksonian methods not direct suggestions! CBT should be used daily as we need to retrain the way we think and this takes years so we must keep working at it ;p