Is it okay to drink Grapefruit juice whist on Xanax?


Well-known member
I am prescribed .25mg (4x daily) of Xanax for social-agora phobia and I like to drink this white grapefruit juice and there is no warning on bottle but the internet people say that it interacts.

I cant phone the pharmacist cause I dont make calls at all. I heard that grapefruit juice inhibits cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP3A4 and this just happens to be the same enzyme that metabolizes Xanax.

This would lead me to believe that Grapefruit juice would theoretically increase the duration and effects of Xanax. It is possible however, that because Xanax already has high bioavailability (80-90%) that grapefruit juice only minimally increases effects.

I am also prescribed Prozac which is a cytochrome P450 inhibitor as well. I have noticed that despite being prescribed a low dose of Xanax it seems to affect me well even after 7 months continuous use.

Perhaps my doctor is aware of the interaction with Prozac and is using it to my benefit by increasing the duration of effect and thereby minimizing inter-dose withdrawal effects.


I actually tested this right after I got put on xanax. Grapefruit juice didn't intensify the effects at all for me. I drank 2 20oz. bottles with a 1mg xanax and felt nothing more than regular xanax effect and a full bladder lol. However, everybody is different so it might effect you in a different way. My suggestion is to just drink some and see what happens in a controlled environment. if nothing happened to me with 1mg plus 40 oz of juice, I doubt you'll have any effect from .25 and a serving of grapefruit juice. I wouldn't worry about it at such a low dose. Best of luck on recovery.



Well-known member
I think your being a little too stringent xanax isn't a magic pill it might take off the edge but your overanalyzing the grapfruit juice thing IMO.


Well-known member
I think your being a little too stringent xanax isn't a magic pill it might take off the edge but your overanalyzing the grapfruit juice thing IMO.

Xanax is magic in a pill. I do believe in another thread I mentioned that "everyone knows Xanax is the cure for panic attacks".

Some of the internet people are against pills and Xanax especially. Thats fine by me but I want to use Xanax everyday. Its worth it to me. The fact that my body physically needs a drug sucks balls that just the way it has to be.

But yes I do overanalyze things. This is the way my brain works. Its part of what makes me cool...