is it just me?

does anyone feel like if you could possibly forget that you have panic attacks that they would go away? it seems like ever since my first panic attack when i was 14, (23 now) i can't stop thinking of them or questioning my body if i am fixing to have one, it just seems to me that if i could forget i had ever had them they would go away. but on the flip side i dotn know if i could handle my first panic attack again, i mean not knowing what was going on, how long they last ect. anybody else?


Well-known member
That's the exact conclusion I came to when I finally ended the panic. Though I'm still high-strung to a degree, the thing that finally made me stop having panic attacks (and ocd, but that's a whole different story) was being able to relax deeply enough that I just didn't care anymore either way.


Active member
I know what you mean. It can be a self induced cycle. But really, that's what a panic attack is anyway.