Is anyone else very, very messy?


Well-known member
OK, so maybe messy isn't the word, I'm a complete slob. I didn't grow up in an extremely clean environment, but this is worse. I have read that its a symptom of depression to not take care of things and stuff. It's like there is so much other crap clogging up my head that I don't have the energy, once it gets this bad I just don't know where to start. Once in a while when I do clean up somewhat, I feel so good about it. My husband is out of the country right now, but he is a very clean person. i kept it under control when he was here. It's the only time I've ever been able to, and I did feel alot better about everything. I really feel that alot of my awful feelings start with my wreck of a house. I just can't bring myself to keep it clean without the fear of his disapproval. I always swear that I will, but I don't. I'm constantly afraid that someone will stop by for some reason (I've only had 1 visitor outside of my immediate family in the 3 years I've lived here) and see what a slob I am, and people I work with see my car all the time,so they know. I'm very ashamed of this.
Does anyone else have this problem?


Well-known member
I'm the complete opposite, actually. I need my surroundings to be really tidy. Hmm...perhaps I'm trying to keep external things tidy because my internal feelings are chaotic and uncontrollable? :lol:


Active member
The more successfull people are, the more they are aware of the fact that
they have reasons for the things the things they are doing.

If you don't keep stuff clean around yourself then you have probably
asked yourself "why does it matter?"
I think the key is to really answer that question.

You must find out how the mundane everyday tasks fits in the
big picture.

I think that the answers to such question are really easy to find.
"Why should i shower?" Well, it's good to feel clean, you will smell
good, you are less likely to get infections etc...

The problem always is of course that simply answering these
questions will not change how you feel about doing these things in
the short term.

I think the most importang thing then is to let your intellect have presedence over your emotions, and have faith in that when you
have thought out that something is right to do, your feelings about
it will change in the long term.

I am a complete and utter slob to btw.


Well-known member
I guarantee I am probobly the worst here, somtimes my room gets so bad i cant even get in it without coming out with tons of food wrappers stuck to me... its disgusting ive tried to keep it clean lately but its still managed to get in a mess ah well


Well-known member
cLavain said:
I'm the complete opposite, actually. I need my surroundings to be really tidy. Hmm...perhaps I'm trying to keep external things tidy because my internal feelings are chaotic and uncontrollable? :lol:

Im the same way.


Well-known member
Septor said:
My place usually looks like small tornado went through it. :lol:
same here . im really messy . clothes and shoes everywhere , and i do all my eating in my room also , hell nobody in my house uses the kitchen table but the rest of my house is spotless. my room is as i described though.