Is anybody in the US playing Red Dead Redemption on ps3?

I wasn't really sure where the best place to put this thread would topic seems fitting though haha.

Anyway, is anybody in the US playing red dead (online) on ps3? I'm just looking for somebody to do some co-op missions with or just mess around in multiplayer.

Also if you're playing Borderlands or plan to get Madden 11 (both on ps3 as well) and you'd like to play online, just hit me up.

If there's any response here I'll post my PSN I'D.



Well-known member
I played it for a week straight when it came out and beat the living cr@p out of it. Never played it online though. I'm a bit oldschool when it comes to games.

I might try it out though tomorrow night perhaps? My PSN is Rave2Grave

but I might buy it on the 360 though

I'll buy for which ever console has the cheaper version on ebay or amazon ...

because I'm pretty cheap.