is anybody else like this?

well I have this problem where when somebody talks to me, I can't think of something to say for the life of me. The wierd thing is that if I was to picture someone coming up to me and saying something to me, I'd be able to think of about a million different things to say. There are only a few select people that I actually can think of a million things to say around, they think I'm funny and a lot of fun to be around. For some reason I just can't seem to be the funny outgoing guy around anyone else, so everyone else thinks I'm boring -_-

anybody else in the same boat as me??
Same. I hate it a lot. It's just the way we think. Things just keep going auto-pilot and we just can't help but to avoid the situation.


Well-known member
I answer, but the intelligent answers come into my head later. As if I'd be able to say them, anyway. One of my friends gave me a list of comebacks when I was being teased, but I'd have to be fed exactly the right lines and I wouldn't be able to say any with a straight face. I'd probably just look down or shrug in any uncomfortable situation ever.


Well-known member
That's why I prefer online communication. Unfortunately there will always be people I'd like to befriend irl who prefer quick and spicy exchanges of verbal gymnastics to long, carefully thought out e-mails (boring, mentally draining essay writing to them!):


Well-known member
I do the same, i think we overthink what we talk... we need to be more espotaneous, sometimes we may make a lot o mistakes, but i think it's the kind of thing need to train to get better at :)


Well-known member

hey, i feel exactly the same aswell, especially at work i just do not no what to say to the people who i work with and its so awkward !!
your not alone :D


Well-known member
Yah man I feel exactly the same way. It sounds like you at least have some friends to talk to though. Your lucky.


Well-known member
It happens all the time to me, of course later i thought of something clever or funny to say. But i don't let it bother me as much as i used too.
lol im more like a random sentence thrower i instantly make a phrase or something and unconsciously act alright even being nervous. i think its because ive learned how to deal with this, because i feel it everyday. when i think about all the tricks ive learned to control this thing i come to the conclusion im a machine. and normally when the conversation is going its like anything the other person says unlocks a list of possible things to say in your mind, and it makes me able to keep it going for a while. now, if you wanna start a convo, well, you can talk about sports if you like it, its always really easy (dont try it too mcuh with girls, though), classes if your in a school environment, or tests or something, depending on the place youre in you can say lotsa stuff about that place, you can talk about past events that interest you both, upcoming events. these are good to start a conversation. to keep it going in the middle you might wanna try movies or music, internet, stuff like that.


New member
stuck for words

I know what it feels like to be stuck for words sometimes i will be in the middle of telling a story, or anecdote then suddenly i will forget the rest of what I was trying to say then Ill go red in the face then start stumbling over my words. Then my heart will skip a beat. Going for a job interview Is a complete nightmare. Vallium is the only way I can get through almost any social situation. Ive been to a psychologist for therapy called cognitive therapy which trys to isolate the thought that goes through your mind when you are placed in such a situation` which is allmost imposible because you are not thinking clearly at the time. Anyway Ill try to think of something more to say next time bye for now Belly. [/b]


Yeah, me too! I can envisage how I think/want a conversation to go, but sometimes I feel awkward if I have to talk to someone I don't know. I'm fine when I'm with friends and family though, and never run out of stuff to say!