iontophoresis users-pls read


Well-known member
whoever uses ionto to treat hh, pls list the machine u use and rate the effectiveness of it from 1-10 with 10 being the best and pls give a brief summary of what's good and bad about it. it'll help ppl who are thinking about getting one but don't know which one- or ppl who might want to change ionto machines, like me.

i'll go first.

-machine: drionic.
-rating: 8.5/10
-summary: it's okay. it does keep my hands dry- but only the ones being touched by the water during treatment. sides of hands and middle of palms stay sweaty. have to do treatments for 30min/day each hand for 1 week in order to achieve at least 2.5 weeks of dryness.

your turn. :)
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Active member
Machine: Homemade
Rating: 9.5/10
Summary: Very cheap to make by comparison. Uses rechargeable 9V batteries. My hands haven't sweat since I started (about 6 months). I usually treat 1-2 times a week for 20 minutes at a time.


Well-known member
Idromed 4 GS (DC)

-Makes all the difference for hands, I'd say 90-95% (cover entire hand with water)
-For feet, it makes a good difference but works not as well as on hands, especially heel remains clammy.

I still do treatments every day...hands in one tray, feet in a 'custom' tray to be able to cover them. I started at the end of November and only got results after three weeks so I don't really feel like easing down on treatments yet.

First I do the feet on the plus pole for 15m, than switch polarities. Since the plus pole does the real work I only cover my hands when I start them on the plus pole, since the negative pole hurts more and some of the upper parts of my hands/fingers sometimes have little cuts and scratches so if I cover them all the pain centers on the spots that are scratched, so there's no reason not to avoid that.

Uber Schnitzel

Well-known member
Hey guys, thanks for all the information so far. I have a question though: have any of you noticed any compansatory sweating after you'd achieved dryness?


Well-known member
CS not so much, however, it's kind of hard for me to really notice since I have pretty general HH as well as palmoplantar HH, which means parts of my body are still suffering from HH just like before. Only my head, front of chest and arms are what I'd say normal.

But I haven't noticed any worsening of that, if anything I'd say just a little improvement but not really significant.


Active member
I'd say any general sweating I had before has gotten better since treating the hands relieves a lot of the anxiety that produced more sweating.