iontophoresis questions...


Well-known member
hey, the iontophoresis is a god-send to me, it really has started to change my life! but I have a couple of issues with it, firstly my hands get really itchy sometimes and ive got a few little scabs where ive scratched too much, it doesnt really bother me, I was wondering if anyone else got this?

and secondly, im finding it hard to get into a set routine with the 'top ups'. I do a treatment everyday for 7 days and my hands get dry on the 8th day when I stop treatment. then they can stay dry for up to a week, sometines 2 weeks, but as soon as I try to do a topup to combat it coming back the sweating comes back and I have to start all over again with the 7 days treatment in a row! Its almost like im reversing it...Its really hard to explain...any suggestions with this?

does everyone start with the positive on the right and then switch to the positive on the left when reversing the polarity? that is how shannonbowling demonstrated it on the youtube this the correct way or does it not matter?

it kinda seems strange I cant make it work so im completely sweat free all the time, I had a night out last sunday so I did 7 treatments over 7 days as before over the week before the night out but for some reason it didnt work this time, I even did a couple more on the sunday to try and get it to stop but unfortunately it just didnt work this time, my hands were clammy, not dripping like they were before so it wasnt as bad as it could have been, but I was dissapointed because this was the first night I planned to go to since starting the iontophoresis...thought Id be able to fully enjoy the night. I had to shake hands with one guy who I got introduced to and it was the same old cringe...

dont spose anyone can point out where im going wrong with this? any help much appreciated, soz for the long post btw! :oops: :D


Well-known member
ok so im taking a 2 week break from the treatments. Im gonna start all over again, I hope it works again for me! still no idea of what is a good maintainence routine for after the initial 7-10 day sessions tho....anyone have a good routine that works for them??