Iontophoresis + compensatory sweating

Does Iontophoresis cause compensatory sweating? I don't want to start sweating from my head for instance. I'm about 4 treatments in with my homemade machine.
At the moment I sweat from most places with sweat glands in moderately warm conditions and during even mild exercise (walking up a hill) although my hands are noticably damp/wet all the time.


When iontophoresis first started working for me (after about 12 treatments), I thought I had compensatory sweating. However, I think it was just a deception...I was so use to having sweaty hands and feet that I didn't notice a little bit of sweat elsewhere on my body. Once my hands and feet were dry, all of the sudden you notice the sweat in other places....that doesn't necessarily mean there is more sweat.

Good luck with the're in the hard part now, where you might notice increased sweating. Stick with it though...eventually you will be sweat free! ;)


Active member
I definitely got compensatory sweating from iontophoresis. Throw the machine away and just get Botox. Botox doesn't doesn't give compensatory sweating from my experience, lasts much longer than iontophoresis results, and is less of a pain in the ass.


Well-known member
Botox would give as much/little compensatory sweating as iontophoresis. There is not physical difference. The sweat glands are blocked in both cases and sweat has to come out somewhere else.


The only solution that gives compensatory sweating is ETS surgery from the research I have done. The debate between Botox and Iontophoresis is a whole different story. But I agree with Stuckwithme both are blocking the sweat glands in the treatment area.


Well-known member
I am not sure if Botox or iontophoresis gives compensatory sweating. Never heard that iontophoresis did, but I know some have mentioned Botox can give compensatory sweating. But basically, like I said, if that is the case then both treatments should be able to make you compensatory sweat. I dont see the difference.

Personally I have only tried Botox and as many of you know it works great for me. I was shaking hands all day long today and wasn't bothered by it for a second. I do notice I sweat more on the feet, but like others have said before me one cannot be sure if it is compensatory sweating or if your only becoming more aware of your feet because your hands dont sweat anymore. Also it is summer weather now so obviously I am sweating more.

I think it sounds reasonable though that all the sweat that is now blocked must come out somewhere else. I mean, HH people sweat more because we heat more than other and if that sweat dont come out your are heated even more and so you have to sweat on other places. That is also why I think ETS is a bad solution because it doesnt fix what is wrong with you, it only works as a permanent botox treatment of the body. Your nervous system is still messed up and you still heat more than others and all that sweat still has to come out somewhere else.


Well-known member
From my extensive research of HH, I have never read anything that indicated that Ionto causes compensatory sweating. If anything my use of the Ionto on the hands and feet has actually reduced sweating on my back and face.....


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I've read a swedish medical report regarding Botox and in these tests 0% of the placebo patients suffered from compensatory sweating and 4,5% of the botox patients suffered from compensatory sweating. Now, if Botox patients can suffer from compensatory sweating I am quite sure iontophoresis patients can too. But then again, it's like has been said before, is it really compensatory sweating, or do you just become more aware of the sweating on the rest of your body when the area you have been suffering from the most ceases to sweat.


Active member
I can tell you from my experience that I am absolutely 100% sure that using the drionic machine for my armpits caused compensatory sweating, mainly on my back and groin. This was not a case of just becoming more aware of sweating in other areas.

For example, I never used to sweat a drop from my back during exercise. After about 2 weeks of effective drionic treatment on the armpits, I was on at the gym and a friend commented on how incredibly sweaty my back was after about 20min on a treadmill.

My experience w/ Botox was different in that sweating in other areas has never increased. Not sure about the reasoning, but possibly something about how Botox hinders the neurotransmitter that relays the signal, while iontophoresis is thought to work as follows: "electric current and mineral particles in the water work together to microscopically thicken the outer layer of the skin, which blocks the flow of sweat to the skin's surface"

Another good thing about Botox for me was that after about 5 treatments (one every 6-8months), the excessive sweating seems to be gone. I still leave small sweat stains in a tight t-shirt if it's hot or i'm exercising, but the armpits sweat a lot less than my back, face, groin, trunk, etc.
I am actually sweating from my head and more from my bum. And yet there is no improvement in my hands (possibly very slight). The increased sweating that is supposed to happen midway through the treatment I thought only came on the place you are treating. So this might be the compensatory sweating I can expect when the hands become fully dry - or it could be a temporary increase.
I am going to push on although I haven't done any more treatments the last couple of days.
I have already got a lot more spots on my face.

I've got Isaac's syndrome - that's what makes me sweat. I'm thinking the way my body responds to this will be different than most, so I don't want anyone to get discouraged because of my experience.
Well, my hands have stopped sweating. But I have got much more bum sweating and my face gets sweating coupled with those hot feelings much more than before.
I started using Medicated Body Powder on my rear and it was working but today it doesn't seem to be working as well. Is it possible that the absorption of the bum sweat by the powder is preventing natural evaporation, and not giving the body the cooling effect that it needs to bring me back to normal temperature? Is the body making more sweat to compensate for this?


Well-known member
I'm sorry to hear that clarkesharp. With Hyperhidrosis you always have to make compromises no matter which "solution" you choose, be it ETS or Botox. It's a shame.


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Is it possible I might not have primary hyperhidrosis? When ionto stops my sweating on hands, feet, and axillae, I sweat buckets from everywhere else and my body feels soooo hot. What Dr. should i see? Autoimmune?


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not to mention that i have this red burning hurting ear thing, where my ears turn red and start to burn and hurt and they're very sensitive to the touch, mostly comes with the excess internal body heat i feel. I don't know, I have it really bad when I think about it. Maybe I have something other than primary hh? But it's not a thyroid problem I got that checked...