Involuntary antisocial


Well-known member
I think I'm involuntary antisocial. Throughout my life, I hardly ever invited any of my friends (when I had them) to hang out or do something together. I was always the one who was asked by others to go somewhere or do something together. I never initiated anything, and here I am now; lonely and burried alive :? In all those years, I wonder how I could not be aware of the fact that I hardly ever initiated anything. It must be a mental illness 8O


start fresh, do it today ...

embrace rejection and go for it ..

you'll make friend within a week ..


Well-known member
I think I'm involuntary antisocial
same here, but I'm trying to initiate things more and more as uncomfortable as it is. Adding to the problem is now I freak at the thought of driving or getting to a destination cause I'm so inexperienced.Everyone else seems to know how to get everywhere.


Well-known member
That's not antisocial. Antisocial is when you don't have any respect for the rights of others and lie, steal, etc. with no remorse. What you're describing is just part of social phobia...

Do you have any friends at all right now? I dare you to call or email somebody you know.

dan_e: MapQuest. Seriously.


yeah my life has been the same way..people were always inviting me to hang out...i never asked anyone out because i figured i was too people figured i was uninterested..and now no1 invites me anywhere so I come to these forums which is nice hearing about how other people have had the same struggles as me..but i guess in order to change we just have to relax and stick our necks out a little..i'm still struggling though so good luck! :)


Well-known member
cristina said:
yeah my life has been the same way..people were always inviting me to hang out...i never asked anyone out because i figured i was too people figured i was uninterested..and now no1 invites me anywhere so I come to these forums which is nice hearing about how other people have had the same struggles as me..but i guess in order to change we just have to relax and stick our necks out a little..i'm still struggling though so good luck! :)
Is that girl in your avatar you? You're so cute and beautiful :oops: