Intrusive thoughts when meeting new people


New member
Hello mates,

I have noticed for quite some time that sometimes when I meet a new acquaintance, my thoughts tend to drift into thinking harmful things happening to that person (accident, violence, etc) and I would feel completely apathetic about it. Mind you I'm not a psychopath going around plotting against everyone that I meet, just that I find it strange that these things keep popping into my head.

I remember reading somewhere for people that suffer from SA, the amygdala is involved in controlling both anxiety and impulsive cognitive thoughts. This suggests to me there is a strong link between both occurences.. Anyone else experience similar things or like to share some thoughts on it?
I've read somewhere about this. Abnormal psychology 101 I think from one of my uni modules. Basically about reduced inhibitions in some conditions.. can't recall specifically.


Well-known member
This is "normal for OCD thinkers. I don't know all the science behind it, but I also suffer from this. they use the don't think of the pink elephant strategy, the more you try to forget about it, the more the thoughts come back, and even stronger.