Intrusive thoughts - Do you act upon them? Like talk or walk while having them


New member
For the past 3 years I have been having intrusive thoughts.

Before you read further please know this -- I have not been diagnosed with OCD as i have not seen a psychiatrist about it. My parents are paranoid that the drugs I will be prescribed may mess my head. I have just turned 18 and I won't be able to see a psychiatrist until I start living on my own.

Here is whats bothering me --

I have intrusive thoughts about 15 times in a day. Generally these happen in following situtations:
1.) Whenever I am watching some movie or TV show, I'll start having thoughts of about what i would have done if i was in that characters position. I'll start walking from one point to another point in my house imagining myself in that position. Sometimes I even say things I would have said I was in that position. This goes on for about maximum 10 minutes, generally for about 5 minutes before i realize i am doing it and i'll calm myself and sit down where i was sitting earlier. This can happen again within 20 minutes again without me even realizing it. This is the most common cause for my thoughts.

This generally happens when i am alone and there is no one else in the room. This also happens when I see something sensational on news.

2.) When i have been in a fight with someone I'll replay the incident in my head for atleast a couple of days after it and think about what I could have done. This is also accompanied with walking about in my house and saying things while walking. These thoughts generally make me angry for few minutes. Everytime after few minutes of doing this I realize what i am doing and try to calm myself down and go back to whatever i am doing.

3.) When I read something sensational in the newspaper or on the internet again I'll start imagining myself in the person's position and keep thinking about it. I sometimes get angry or sad or even cry and then suddenly realize what i am doing and calm myself down.

All of my intrusive thoughts are generally accompanied by me walking from on room to another thinking about it. I say things, I also sometimes take action i.e use my hands like i was in that situation -- these two symptoms happen rarely though. And all these things mostly when i am alone in the room. I am alone most of the time as both of parents are working and I am not very social. I generally spend most of my time at home.

This is what i wanna know -- Do you walk or do things with your hands or say thing when you intrusive thoughts? Or do you just keep sitting wherever you are?

I know i need to see a psychiatrist but my current situation isn't allowing me. I requested my parents to take me to a psychiatrist, they say its normal to have these thoughts everyone has them.

Is this really a symptom of OCD or could be something else?

They really create difficulties for me when i am trying to concentrate on something.

Sorry for my english, I am not very fluent in it.


Well-known member
This is something I have been going through lately except I think of these things for weeks. Well, it depends what it is. But I don't go out often and not much happens to me so of course I would have nothing else to really think about. When I have the thoughts sometimes I just cringe or something.

I'm not sure if it's OCD.

I do have problems concentrating because of the thoughts also.
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it might not be ocd, but it's definatly a problem.. it might have to do with SA..and my guess is that most ppl with SA have intrusive thoughts, but they don;t have to be OCD...

Psycho Sushi

New member
When i was younger, I'd get so distracted by a thought that I occasionally acted out on them a bit (like did the same things you did). But I got conscious of it, and stopped. I don't act on any thoughts anymore, but I still get intrusive thoughts. I'm pretty sure I don't have OCD, but I have some obsessive compulsive inclinations. I think a large part of it is simply habit. Like if you get into the habit of talking to yourself or w/e it can be tricky to stop, because you start doing it before you realise. So I'd say this problem is more habit than OCD or intrusive thoughts...
It sounds like OCD to me. No harm though in acting out, like walking around talking to yourself.
Acting "on them" would be a different story..which most people with OCD never do.