
A major stepping stone for me was finding and reading 'The Introvert Advantage' by Marti Laney. I recommend this for anyone who is or knows an introvert.

She has a good lot of information on her website
Marti Laney
I finished reading this book last month. I can't recommend it enough. Definitely helped put things into perspective. Even more so than the social anxiety books I've read(!)
Site is bright and with pink. Finding feelings of mistrust. Amazing how fast it formed.

Seeing posts it is good. Feelings slightly changed. We shall see.

No, I don't have trust issues.


Well-known member
I just mentioned and recommended The Introvert Advantage on another thread! Yes, it is an excellent book for helping people differentiate between introversion and shyness. They are not the same thing.

In addition, a person can have one or the other, or both at the same time. That is, somebody can be shy but not an introvert, an introvert but not shy, or both shy and introverted!

The last one describes me!


I also recommend this book for those people who has felt the pain of being an introvert in an extrovert world. It is an encouraging book that really changed how I viewed those two things. Must be read!!!
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