introductions...well a little info


Well-known member
cos im really nosey..and their is posts all over the place! lol

i just wondered if everyone wouldnt mind sayin a little bit about themselves such as their age, where they from, likes, dislikes etc! just thought it would b nice to kno!

il start with me!

im jo and im 20 from sunderland in the north east of england which makes me a mackem,,,not a geordie as everyone thinks! lol! i have just started workin in a pharmacy but i am a beauty therapist and nail technician and will hopefully b goin to uni in sep to do physiotherapy!

I love shopping, clothes, shoes, music...indie rock n roll! Love anythin pretty and sparkly a bit like a magpie! like reading and art and even history! not that i seem the type!

I hate spiders! who doesnt! i dont like milk,..,it makes me quiver! im also petrified of waterfalls...went to niagra falls and cried me eyes out! suppose i faced me fear tho!

im single an prob the unluckiest person ever in love! i have me teddy to cuddle up to tho so it aint that bad!

my ambition in life would b to b happy and contented. if i won the lottery id have a house made of chocolate so i could nibble the walls if i was hungry. id have every pair of shoes and bags in the world and id have johnny depp, steven gerrard, brad pitt and david beckham tied to me bedposts!

love and sparkles jojo xxx


Well-known member
I have a really hard time giving any information about myself on the web that could identify me, particularly sharing my experiences. I am not sure why I am so scared of people on the web recognising me. I think I try to keep my internet ego separate from my real life ego.


im 17, and i like pretty much everything. rap, rock, good books, actions flicks, love stories, video games. im really smart in school and am planning on studying microbiology in college.

i dont really want all that much out of life. just a fun career. and most of all of loving wife who likes things i like, and who understands me and loves me, and is someone i can talk to for hours and hours about whats on our minds. maybe kids after that.

im really a nice guy, but have never really been able to show anyone. hopefully things will get better after high school


Well-known member
I'm a 23 year old guy living in New Zealand. I've moved around the country quite a bit but grew up in the South Island. I had never travelled overseas until last October when work sent me to London for a week.

Most my time I put into trying to get my career off the ground. I work in the competitive television industry, mostly on documentary films. This will be my third year as a freelancer since finishing my degree, it hasn't always been easy but it has been rewarding.

likes... I enjoy the cinema and can't wait for the Pirates of the Carribean sequel to be released this year! I read, surf the net, write when I'm in the mood, collect antiques and old documents and dabble in the odd bit of photography. Music wise, I listen to a bit of metal, a bit of rock, a bit of drum n base and a bit of 1940's swing.

my main passion in life (or obsession depending on how you look at it) is for history

my hates... I don't mind rodents but can't stand spiders. once had one charge at me out of some plane wreckage I was filming and dropped the $12 000 camera when it jumped on the lens! Can't eat peanut butter and don't like drinking milk but will eat nearly anything else, even Eel Sushi.
Not a huge fan of Hip Hop music and hate it when people think they are better than others.

was bullied rather badly from age 9 to 16 when I left school to put an end to it. have suffered from depression and social anxiety since then and unfortunatly live a rather lonely life at times. might take some advice from jojo and buy a soft toy


Well-known member
cutefluffykitten u must use a good face cream cos u look in ya twentys! lol! im glad sp doesnt take its toll on ya face then!

Horatio i never thought id find another person who hates milk! everyone thinks im strange! im not the only one now! get a teddy..itl cheer ya up! lol xx :wink:


20 year old guy (21 soon 8O ) from the north west of the uk.. about an hour from Manchester.Pretty much on my arse because of sp/depression so no job and not much of a life,if i could work i think i would work with anaimals in one way or another... but not entirley sure on that as i get attached too easy.

I enjoy drawing,painting ect.. .Reading- mainly sci fi and fantasy.Love tattoo's and have a couple.I love animals like mad.And im really intrested in wildlife and nature.I play the odd game on my xbox.Music wise... i really use to be into hip hop/rap.. still like some of it but im starting to branch out into diff types of music.Quite into clothes for a lad.. and smellies... hugo boss,diesel ect..

Im a dead fussy eater.. umm.. most of the things i really hate are the way people can be... manipulative people.. greedy people ect.The only thing i can think of at the mo which really freaks me out is leeches.. horrible things.

For me to be happy in life... i would like to just have a small group of friends, be secure enough in myself to be able to date and meet someone to be with.Be able to enjoy the small simple things in life again... and have a job which pays enough so i dont have to struggle with cash anymore.

Oh and sorry for the long post.. another thing about me obviously is i can rattle on for too long sometimes!



Well-known member
I'm gonna join you guys, this is really interesting.

Well, i'm 20 m (21 in July) recently in Yemen for college grown up in Kuwait but originally from Somalia (that's what i keep telling people lol). You owe me guys :) , like some other people here we make this site rather a global place we have people from everywhere.

My father passed away last year (great loss in the family) but he used to live in Africa not with us. I have a great mom, she is hard-working (on service since 1970s) i just can't imagine my life without her, i owe her a lot :cry: .

Don't know what else to say. I have to mention, how this place means to me i enjoy being here (although i don't spend much time here recently).

Unlike most of you, i have great passion to football (or soccer) and i'm a fanatic fan of Real Madrid (which is having hard time recently).

I have some friends here, whom i'm proud of.