Internet + SA


hey guys i was wondering what you have to say about the internet possibly 'enabling' social phobias. thoughts on social networking sites and things of that nature for people suffering from these anxieties...helpful/harmful?


Well-known member
I think the internet is the savior of many social phobics. It allows us to live an alternative life from the every day one which is constantly crippled by the disorder. I would of hated to have this 20-30 years ago, there simply wouldn't of been anywhere to go, and no way to find out that I even had this.


yeah i think its really amazing thing, being able to create an alternate universe for yourself when the 'real' one is too much.


what do you mean you are new here? like new to the internet or to this forum? it will hopefully be helpful, i think there are more opportunitees than you think, eduardo.


Well-known member
Before getting the internet in the house i was getting more depressed, because i felt like the only person in the world who suffered from this phobia, and now i know that i am not alone.


I think as with most things it can go both ways sorta thing,it depends how you choose to use it.Its great being able to so easily talk to people with simlar problems ect so you can support each other and get advice and meet people make friends ect I mean i know for some people the net is the only place they can talk to people and stuff and talk to people who understand.

On the opposite side,i think the internet can sometimes suck you in and it becomes unhealthy if you spend too much time on it at the expense of other things.... eg if you start neglecting your real life sorta commitments and friends,family and even yaself,but yeah i think it can make people more isolated and withdrawn sometimes.


In psychological terms, the Internet is an enabler. For example if we didn't have the Internet to order pizza, how would we do it? We'd have to pick up the phone and speak to someone.... which can be terrifying, for me anyway.



Well-known member
I suppose it can enable social phobia in some ways. It's a substitute for the phone (I hate the damn phone!) and it can distract people from other activities that would involve going out, being around people etc. On the other hand, it's not a replacement for a social life. The internet can't replace real life friends, boyfriends/girlfriends that some people with this phobia really want. I know I do.
That is a great point! the internet allows social phobics to communicate in a different way. Without the internet, i think some people would improve because they would force themselves to socialise and the more experience you get, the better you become. It could work the other way though, and those people could become completely alone. I guess it depends what you come here for?


Active member
I think it deffinetly helps most people with SA. It provides them a way to get their problems and true feelings out anonymously.

But you got to remember that the internet isn't the cure. Don't be content with being able to post your thoughts, meet new people, and make friends just on the internet. Work your way up to doing it in real life.


Well-known member
Intenet+ SA

Its a tremendous help to me. Reading what others go through, i.e feelings, experiences, difficulties etc makes mine real. Its like a light bulb moment each time. Thats me I am not alone, someone is experiencing exactly what I do! Its an affirmation that I am not exactly crazy or paranoid. Its wonderful to know. You identify and own what you feel! Its real!

In the same vain, I put my innermost feelings/experiences down and others indentify with it. This is when its OK you are not alone self talk comes. Knowing you are not alone makes you get through difficult days.

I so wish I could meet SPs in person and for us to be a support to each other! But alas! We are like passing ships, our SP keeps us prisoner from not even wanting to relate to each other. Support groups I have been told does not exist or never lasts when started! Its just the nature of our illness, relating in any form is difficult. :(


Well-known member
It's really interesting reading everyone's perspective on this. I think, like many of you, it's helped me by knowing i'm not alone, somewhat reassuring i suppose. But in a way it makes it worse. Sometimes i feel that the more i think about this the bigger my hole becomes and the harder it will be to dig myself out. I think about this more when i'm on this site so sometimes i wonder whether it's just best to try and deal with this as best i can myself. The less i think about it the better i will be. Still feels like denial though. I feel like the only way i'll be able to deal with this and be better in the end is to fully accept my problem, understand it and convince myself it is not rational. It really is hard to convince myself of this though.

I know that may have sounded selfish, and i do appreciate and listen and respect everything that i read on this site to try and gain an insight from everyone else's experiences, and i think it has helped. I just don't think it will be enough to get myself to the place i want to be. I think in the end it will come down to my own conclusions about everything and i have to do that all on my own.

Good luck to you all.


Well-known member
Helpfull for sure! I've just come back from a trip to Poland to meet an online friend for the first time, if it wasn't for this online meeting then i would be a very lonely person.


Well-known member
Internet is good for me. Somehow chatting inline is much easier than doing it in person. Also the people I have met that started as online friends are easier because I feel I alreday know them a bit and the awkwardness is not so bad.

I'd like to make more friends I just find it so hard.