It's really interesting reading everyone's perspective on this. I think, like many of you, it's helped me by knowing i'm not alone, somewhat reassuring i suppose. But in a way it makes it worse. Sometimes i feel that the more i think about this the bigger my hole becomes and the harder it will be to dig myself out. I think about this more when i'm on this site so sometimes i wonder whether it's just best to try and deal with this as best i can myself. The less i think about it the better i will be. Still feels like denial though. I feel like the only way i'll be able to deal with this and be better in the end is to fully accept my problem, understand it and convince myself it is not rational. It really is hard to convince myself of this though.
I know that may have sounded selfish, and i do appreciate and listen and respect everything that i read on this site to try and gain an insight from everyone else's experiences, and i think it has helped. I just don't think it will be enough to get myself to the place i want to be. I think in the end it will come down to my own conclusions about everything and i have to do that all on my own.
Good luck to you all.