In control


Well-known member
I have noticed that my OCD has a lot to do with being in control of everything. Like I have to be in control of my cat not ruining the carpet with his claws, the apartment always being clean, the food I eat, the amount of excercise I get, my interactions with others.

Anyone else with this type of OCD?


Well-known member
Eating disorders are due to feelings of helplessness, so I assumed OCD was also. A desperate desire to combat the feelings of unreality and losing control.



Well-known member
I keep my flat messy, so I don't have to invite people round... instant get out clause, but its something I can control, my little bit of the world.


Well-known member
Nah...for me the problem is really the sweating. I would be able to lead a pretty normal life if it weren't for the sweating. I don't feel like I'm not in control...the HH is just limiting my options, just like someone with one leg can't win at the olympics in sprinting. But I don't regard that as loosing control.