In Big Trouble - Yikes


Well-known member
I've suffered from social anxiety for 8 years.
It was scary and made me feel desperate.
7 years ago, I tried Paxil (seroxat) and still take it.
It helped a lot. I felt much more confident and
comfortable in public.

BUT, the Paxil came with a nasty side effect: it made
me very sweaty. My face and forhead and hands sweat
excessively. So embarassing and uncomfortable!

To make matters worse, I have been trying for years
to get off the Paxil, so that I won't sweat so much and
can just focus on treating my social anxiety.
But then I learned the hard way that Paxil is almost
impossible to get off of. Even with a slow, 6 month taper,
I suffered from horrible withdrawal symptoms. They were

So I'm stuck taking a drug I don't want anymore and also
scared about how I can stay sane and hold a good job


Well-known member
Ergh....the 2nd therapist I went to see put me on Paxil and I quit almost right away...just didn't like the way it made me feel and I don't like "suicidal thoughts" as a side effect. We have enough problems with our egos. Have you told your psychologist that you want to stop taking the pills but are getting withdrawal symptoms? He/she might be able to refer you to someone who can help with that.


Well-known member
Few doctors know much about how extremely hard withdrawal from Paxil or Effexor is.
They say you can taper off within a few weeks or months. NOT TRUE.
I tried many times. Even if you withdrawal very slowly over 2 years time, it's painful
and very difficult