In a Pickle


Well-known member
Today my old work called asking for me to come back. They left a message on the answering machine and my father listened to it and now him and my mother are riding my ass to go back there and work.

Here's the scenario, last year when I quit my manager told me to come back in march (of 09) to work again. I quit in august and said it was cuz of school. Well the truth was ya cuz of school, but I didn't like the people particularly one guy. Anyway, I really need a job and this comes along. I donno what to do? this was my first job and last. Should I go back?


Well-known member
Maybe you should give it a shot and go back to your old job. Jobs can be hard to come by and at least you know what to expect and have experience.

If you look for a new job you have to go through an interview and the whole breaking in period again. And meeting all new people. But it could be good practice getting over your SA.