In a nutshell, how does SA affect your life?


Well-known member
I can't date and working is a battle. I worked for over a year at Target and had to quit because I would go to work and panic. My boss yelled at me once because I worked on black Friday and had to go to the back room to calm down for a few minutes (no more then 5 minutes). There were so many customers that ran to the electronics (where I was) that I panicked. I got wrote up for that but I didn't care.

Now I have no job and I really want to go to college but to even thinking about college scares the crap out of me. Seems like after I left the Air Force, my life changed so dramatically. I used to go out everyday, loved to drive, played paintball, and travel. Now, it's a struggle to leave the house. I only leave when I absolutely have to. I get so many attacks when I'm out, I get so tired and sleep for many hours when I get home.

The not dating thing doesn't bother me. Even though I'm and a lot of friends have kids or married, I like being single. Even if I did date, I really wouldn't be an asset for him.

I have no life. I'm not depressed but I do cry because I feel horrible that my dad has to help support me. Sometimes, I think it is better to give up on life so dad could use all his earned money on himself. I wouldn't do that but I get those thoughts at times.

I'm sorry for rambling. Around here, I have no one to talk to since my dad always works and my brother is away at college. This is my only way of not going insane.


I can pretty much function at work...

But personally is something else altogether.

Last week me and my friend was on vacation whereas we met some guys.
My friend and one of guys exchanged phone numbers so that we can meet them later.
Well, for the rest of the day I made myself physically ill thinking about later.
I thought, “What if they talk to her and ignore me? What am I going to do if they decide to come up to our room afterwards? “ Fortunately for me we were too tired too hook up with those guys.
But as I thought about it later, it bothered me that I reacted at way.