in a few years


Well-known member
i'm thinking of joining the peace corps after college.. is this a terrible idea? :rolleyes: i just feel like two years of helping out will make me feel better about everything because i haven't really done anything. the problem is i have super, super overprotective parents. maybe it's why i really want to do something like this :D
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Well-known member
You don't need their permission, especially since you don't need their financial support for it. The peace corps is a great idea, a good friend of mine started this year in Africa.


Well-known member
Sounds awesome - go for it!

I would love to do something like that myself. Do they take old guys?

Good luck!


Well-known member
If it is something you really feel you want to do and it will help you grow as a person, then go for it. Who said anxiety and social phobia needed to be able to keep you from experiencing life to the full?::p: