Impossible to talk to females in RL?

WTH? Lucky at least girls LOOK AT YOU I feel like I've been neglected, and because they don't look at me I overanalyze things and come to the conclusion that girls think I'm either weird or ugly, or BOTH...


WTH? Lucky at least girls LOOK AT YOU I feel like I've been neglected, and because they don't look at me I overanalyze things and come to the conclusion that girls think I'm either weird or ugly, or BOTH...

Well its hard to tell if they're infatuated or not; I always think they are judging me. So its complicated...
Yeah I get it, maybe it's just paranoia, but I feel like everyones trying to judge me, but then again just thinking that means that I am judging them to be judging me... Paradox my friend lol
I feel like there is no place to talk to females in real life, except for the places we all know and hate/fear... Parties, clubs, social gatherings of sorts, but I HATE those places, so it seems I'll just never have a girlfriend or a lover.

I don't know how people can get away with meeting girls at college/school, I feel like the only purpose of school is to get closer to your career for your job. Like, I think it might annoy girls if I try to talk to them at school because it'd be distracting them? What if they were on their way to class? I don't know it seems too much to think about so I just forget about my hopes of getting a girlfriend in real life because it's just not worth it.


I feel like there is no place to talk to females in real life, except for the places we all know and hate/fear... Parties, clubs, social gatherings of sorts, but I HATE those places, so it seems I'll just never have a girlfriend or a lover.

I don't know how people can get away with meeting girls at college/school, I feel like the only purpose of school is to get closer to your career for your job. Like, I think it might annoy girls if I try to talk to them at school because it'd be distracting them? What if they were on their way to class? I don't know it seems too much to think about so I just forget about my hopes of getting a girlfriend in real life because it's just not worth it.

You know what comes after love don't you? DO YOU???
people always judge other people, it's human nature.. and I think for u to have a serious relationship with a girl, u have to get stuff steady with offense.. I feel the same way :) (im a girl, with boys:p)


I can't either. Well then again I barely talk to guys either. I only talk to ppl that I have either met on the net first or that have made the first move to talk to me first, then I can respond.


Well-known member
Its normal for guys not to be able to talk to girls and vice versa, or at least in what I've observed. Also I would say its paranoia thinking everyones judging you. My friend always thinks people are judging her and staring at her so one time when we were out (this was awhile ago since I don't leave the house anymore) I payed really close attention and no one even looked at her. I can't talk to people unless they talk to me first and I can't even meet people that I have 'met' online add that in with not leaving the house and yeah I'm screwed. :p


Well-known member
It's pretty much impossible for me to strike up a conversation with anyone, male or female. So yeah, I can relate to your problem.
In school/adolescence there is a lot of social division between the sexes (and it doesn't change much). Most of the pubescent boys in my class had very sexist and sex-oriented attitudes (and mind-sets) towards the girls, me included. It was a very poisonous enviroment. Because of that, I never had any male friends, except for outside of school.
If you already have difficulty with social interaction, then chances are, the difficulty will be amplified several times over when it comes to the opposite sex. Then add some awkward sexual tension, and some fear of rejection and suddenly it feels like all the girls are on the right side of the room and all the guys are on the left side of the room. In the heteronormative world, anyway.