I'm so depressed


I'm in college now in Florida with my grandparents. The rest of my family is home in NY. This is my second year. I feel really depressed. I feel like crap I cry just about everyday. I want to go home. I miss my family so much. I know school is important, but I'm not happy here. What should I do.


Well-known member
Go out with some friends or talk to a friend on the phone. Anything that will keep your mind busy. You might just be feeling bad right now and in a week or two these feeling might just get rid of themselves. I've felt the same way just wanting to cry and feeling like the lowest of the low but I felt better within a few days.


I've felt like this since I got here. And it seems to be getting worse. When I'm in school I feel anxious then I start thinking random thoughts and I get depressed.


Thank you for your response. The reason I am depressed is because I miss my family. I want to go home.


I hated the 1st two years of college, too, missed my family, & had a hard time making friends. after that I just got used to it - so it got a little better, but not great. anyway, sorry that's not that inspiring, but even if you really hate it and it doesn't get better, you're there for the education and i swear it'll be over before you know it and then you'll miss it for some weird reasons. but... it'll probably get better for you.


Well-known member
What are your thoughts on just going home? School is important but how important is it to you personally? More important than being happy? I suppose it depends on your plans for after college.
I dropped out because it was just making me miserable.. I had 1 friend and when she stayed back a year that was it for me. But then again I didn't really have any goals, I was just studying cos I couldn't think of anything better to do with myself. Plus it was a shit college lol