im sick of this life

If you sick of it, then take some action to change it. You can start by changing the way you think. Instead of constantly reminding yourself your misfortunes, think of positive things about your life, things that you wish to become reality. There is a way out of it, but you must be willing to change. Remember that we are responsible for our lives...

Im sick of it too i know how you feel .Sometimes there isnt a way to keep the positive attitude going , I can only take so much.

Today is one of them days for me , i cant stand it and it hurts even more to know ive been existing like this for 7+ years since leaving school n cant c a way out .

my 2 p hermit


Well-known member
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

this quote really motivates me.. we wont get out of this rut if we give up and whine. Just do anyhting different and see what happens
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

this quote really motivates me.. we wont get out of this rut if we give up and whine. Just do anyhting different and see what happens

My thoughts exactly, Why! The only thing most of us do is feeling miserable and count our misfortunes, playing the role of the victim and in the end we are frustrated because there aren't any positive results and our lives are exactly the same. Well, why would they be any different at all? Did we do anything about it...?

This is what I have been trying to say this last week and will continue to do so for some time more before leaving the forum. My posts so far haven't received much attention. It is understandable. It took me a great deal of time to realise how wrong I was when I was expecting my life to change while I wasn't really doing anything towards this direction.

Start with your mind. Cultivate it, discipline it to think positively, count your blessings, be grateful for your life, for the small things that most of the times go unnoticed, learn to forgive and stop playing the role of the victim and accept all the responsibility for your life. It is the only way out...

I urge you all to visit the following thread and do the exercise that is posted in it:
