I'm new here...


New member
I'm a 22-year-old male from outside of Cleveland, Ohio.

I have Asperger's syndrome, and I also have various anxieties and phobias, including social phobia and probably agoraphobia.

My interests have never been typical for my age. I'm somewhat of a geek and have had geeky interests all throughout middle school and high school. But only recently, I've started seriously having an interest in relationships with the opposite sex, I just don't understand why and I don't know what to do about it.

I usually stick with one interest at a time. Right now, it's video games and computers. Then I'll switch to movies, then psychology, then philosophy, and so on. As you can see by my username, I am somewhat of a WWII buff, as well. I guess it just stimulates my imagination.


Well-known member
Hi and welcome to the site. You mentioned that you like psychology? Have you read any intresting stuff on us? I love reading those books by Arron T Beck.


New member
I'm actually into Jungian psychology and his eight cognitive processes. I spend a lot of time interpreting his theories.

Abnormal psychology is interesting, too, but unfortunately, the interesting nature of that has made its way into the "scene" culture, which, these days, trivializes (thus pisses all over) Nietzsche, Tim Burton, and Germanic culture.