I'm new here!

Well I was looking for some tips online on how to over come my Social anxiety disorder and I ran into this website. I'm trying to get the hang of all this, so I thought I should post a thread as you guys call it and talk a lil bit about myself. First of all I think this Forum is awsome and it's gd to know that i'm not alone :)! I've always been the weirdo the quiet girl and I've never felt comfortable in public spaces and around new people! I'm usually very witty and funny when I'm with people that I'm used to, but around peoplel I don't know I turn to be very clumsy and stupid, I can't express my oponion nor can I claim my rights. I think I'm very self-conscious and I feel like everyone is monitoring my every move which makes me act in a very ridiculous way, I start shaking and choking on my voice around people I don't know. I mean even right now that I'm making this post I feel very anxious. I used to be more oponed and comfortable online but now even online I'm very closed on myself and I can't let people know what I think nor do I find things to talk about with 'em. In short I can't socialize and it's ruining my life and keeping from achieving my dreams :kickingmyself:


Well-known member
Hey Soph, I think you expressed yourself beautifully here. All the symptoms you explain are things that I have gone through, and things that I continue to go through until this day. Self-consciousness makes us super sensitive toward other peoples' opinions, and sometimes we even go as far as to wonder what they must be thinking of us, because we think people see us the way we see ourselves from an internal perspective. I am usually quiet, can't express my opinion, and feel like every eye is on me all the time. It's a very discomforting feeling. For your anxiety, try hopping in one spot. It may sound ridiculous, but once you get blood pumping from and through your heart, the anxiety will be reduced significantly. That's what I do, and it seems to work every time. Anyway, welcome to the site. :)