I'm making a forum.. come hither! :)


Well-known member
P.S. I'm not advertising or linking it, so I don't think this thread deserves to be dumped, if anyone decides so. I just want to make my own forum, and would like tips from people who regularly visit a social anxiety forum. :)

I'd like some input..

Is there any specific "forum" title anyone would like to see? like...

Anxiety... or depression.. or ya know.. as it stands I have..

OCD, Social Anxiety/Anxiety, Depression.


Intros, General Discussion, Trash Can, Suggestion box, Treatment

Also, if there is anything besides titles you would like to see.. just tell me? :)


Well-known member
I do believe the point is that we will have a moderator/admin active. Im sure everyone agrees its a huge problem on this site.

So yes, that would be cool Red, don't be influenced by the negative posts, its a great idea. I just hope if it was to come it would get a appropriate amount of visitors/members.

Maybe instead of "Off Topic" it can be renamed to "General Discussion" with SA and its family having their own sub-forum similar as it is now. Im just picky like that.