I'm Losing Hope


New member
I'm losing more and more hope that I can change... I remember watching a documentary about Hikikomoris (basically Japanese shut-ins) and someone said there are people who have been 50 years like this. The ****. How is that possible? Well, that's what I thought, now I know why. The longer you're like this, the more the change seems impossible, and if you don't have anyone to help you escape this life style, then you can very well be like this for life. I'm almost at rock bottom, the only thing keeping me from really hitting bottom is that I still have my mother. And she's dying with cancer. After that I'll be completely alone, with no job, education or any worthwhile skillset (some shut-in people can code and play music, I can't do jackshit).

I'm losing hope.


I completely relate. I also feel like I am losing hope often. I'm so sorry about your mother....I had a friend who had cancer but managed to pull through. Still scary though.


Well-known member
I'm 51 and my mother is 87. She will probably not last too many more years. I spend most of my time alone and have no friends. I spent years in psychotherapy, and took a lot of medication. Nothing worked.