im sorry you are going through this. you need to get some professional medical help. trust me you will get better. they will put you on anti depressant and work with you to get you better. hurting yourself doesn't make anything go away, i know from personal experience it just makes things get a lot worse. you can keep covering up your emotions with self harm, its not good and will just make you feel worse, instead let your emotions out, it feels really good. trust me when you let things out it gives a warm feeling and its like a weight being lifted off your chest. also when i let emotions out i can breathe more deeply and have an overall better mood. don't hide anything no matter how ridiculous you think it is. let your emotions out on this site, or with a friend, sister, brother, therapist/psychologist, dad, mom, relative, girlfriend. as for getting by through the day, i have to do this too and thats to put something in your mind no matter how small or big (something that you enjoy or even that puts a smile on your face) and say im gonna get through the day and when i do im going to go home and do it. it could be going for a walk, or listening to music, or even relaxing, or drawing, or playing with your dog or whatever it may be. life is tough man, and i get that i think we all do. especially we who have disorders that specifically make it worse to enjoy it. but we will all make it, we will. even though life is tough you never give up, you keep trying and keep on finding something that woks, find new motives and really try to get better. the greatest part in life is enjoying it and that is a luxury, it is not given, it must be earned though trying. Also you could pray and ask God for help and to protect you and to be with you and to brighten your mood, and for forgiveness of sins. He is always there and is always thinking of us all. You will be in my prayers, I hope this was able to help you, and i hope you get better. Good luck, and God bless