I recently had to put down a dog I loved very much. I've had many pets, but this one was really special. She looked enthusiastically towards every day - no, every moment! I've never seen a dog that loved life so much. She didn't worry about what other dogs "thought" of her or whether she was popular with them or not. In fact, she loved people more than other dogs. She didn't worry about having or not having a "career" - she was too busy being a dog. She didn't worry about whether or not her butt looked too big in pants - she didn't wear any. She never worried about what might happen next week - she just took things as they came! She didn't worry about whether someone loved her back or not - but she made sure to give them all her kisses (licks). In fact, I feel like she gave me more than I gave her. I wish now I had taken her on more walks, taken her to the woods more, petted her more often, etc. She has made me want to concentrate more on "living in the moment" and appreciating what I have. And I want to be more giving, naturally, like she was. I miss her terribly, but will always carry her in my heart!