im goin on a fast


Well-known member
i have decided to try and break my cycle of bad eating by doing a water fast. i have read up about this and i kno it will b hard but it is meant to break a cycle of this case mine is food. as to yet i really dunno how long it will last. im aimin for at the very least 2 weeks. i really will need so much support thru this time. i decided to keep it on ere as it gives me more motivation to not fail. wish me good luck everyone and pray for me cos i kno its goin to be so hard! xxx


Well-known member
lol...yea i drink water but thats all! lol! if i didnt have water i would die! lol! thanks for the good luck tho me lovely xxx


Sorry but I don't think you'll last 2 weeks without collapsing. Have you tried a normal cutting out the bad stuff diet?
If so try just doing 2 or 3 days with only breakfast or something, then go into a low fat diet, thats quite effective- as a last resort.
But you're on dodgy territory, you could just end up binging and eating 10 times the calories you woulda done anyway, which wil count for even more cos starving slows your metabolism down.. I'm sure some 1 else will come up with the exact science of it all.
Just be careful, ok?


Well-known member
yea i have tried it all...i will look after myself dont worry! if u dont eat anythin ya body doesnt starve..its only if u eat very little..i have looked into it quiet alot! xxx


But surely its impossible to go 2 weeks without collapsing?????
I know where you're coming from though I've been trying to get rid of my fat for years, its a complete waste of life.
Find any magic solution while you were looking into it?


Well-known member
mine aint just to get rid of weight has evened out and im a size 12 so just right really but my eatin is terrible with havi bulimia nervosa...i have read that by fasting it is a good way of breaking any bad habits you have. you wouldnt collapse but you may be dizzy and feel faint. you just have to be careful i suppose. i aint set my self a time limit anyway so it might only last a few days and if i start feelin too weak il stop. i have done a few 5 day fasts and was fine on them. actually i was full of energy..the first 3 days are the hardest..after that ya hunger goes and normally u feel full of life! xxx


I've had a few fasts but they've all ended in serious over eating. Can you just go back to normal afterwards? Do you ever get carried away and think it'd be really strong to carry on for a few days more? I don't know, I've never heard any one credit that as a cure for bulimia, it sounds risky. You could just be going from 1 disorder to another, but if you've got it all figured out then good luck.


Well-known member
I agree on what milooby says about metabolism. If you starve yourself your body adjusts and metabolic rate will decrease and then when you stop the diet and eat normally you will get the pounds back on fast. That's just what i've read anyway. Good luck with loosing weight :D


Active member
hi jojo, good luck with the fast...I recently had a half hearted first it gets really tiring, I think cause of the drop in sugar...I'm no expert but I've read some people can go without anything but water for a month or two, so I'm sure it's possible...although I've just found this link that has a few warnings about fast dieting, so I'm not sure.

my personal fast ended up leveling out to 3 meals a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner and I cut out all the inbetweens. Then I made sure I ate fruit and veg with every meal and brown bread, and halfed the amount of sugar I was eating, etc. I stopped drinking tea aswell and just drank water or orange juice wherever possible. I think its working because my trousers keep falling down and I had to punch a new hole in my belt!!!

anywayz...happy dieting!


Well-known member
I dont really have much to ad, and i dont want to sound patronising and iam sure you know what you doing, but just be carefull, size 12 is normal there is nothing wrong with it :wink:

what is your main reason for doing it, is it for your own self esteem or so that you think other people will like you better?

Iam the total opposite, i can eat and eat and eat and dont put on anything and it really gets to me the fact that iam about 2 stone under the weight i would really like to be :(

But good luck with it and keep us posted on how it goes :wink:


Well-known member
jojosparkles said:
i have decided to try and break my cycle of bad eating by doing a water fast. i have read up about this and i kno it will b hard but it is meant to break a cycle of this case mine is food. as to yet i really dunno how long it will last. im aimin for at the very least 2 weeks. i really will need so much support thru this time. i decided to keep it on ere as it gives me more motivation to not fail. wish me good luck everyone and pray for me cos i kno its goin to be so hard! xxx
hiya jojosparkles.....i also have done a water fast for about a week....but i included fruit juices doesn't hurt to consult a doctor first if someone has other health concerns...... or if you're on medication...whatever...but for the most is a healthy way to rid your body of harmful toxins.....and for cleansing out your system.......good luck :!:


Well-known member
:lol: i lost a lot of weight ,and the 2 best ways to start is by controling your sugar intake, switch to diet sodas and sugar subsitutes in your coffee or tea after about a week or two you never know the diffrence(if your a diabetic check with your doctor first).second have smaller more frequent meals like eat half your dinner and then the other half like 2-3 hours later,this speeds up your metabilism and it feels like your actually eating more and eating all day,i lost 100 pounds doing things like this..and exercise also helps.just trying to help
good luck 8)


Well-known member
Jojosparkles: please be careful! I have done water only fasts before but the most I did was 7 days and it's tough! Have you considered maybe a partial water fast and then the rest of the days add some vegetables and maybe fruit or juice's? If you still decide to do the all water fast, please remember to drink LOTS of water and stay hydrated. There is a lot of information on fasting on the internet maybe look some up and it can give you more tips and advice. I hope it goes well for you! :)


Well-known member
Mary said:
Jojosparkles: please be careful! I have done water only fasts before but the most I did was 7 days and it's tough! Have you considered maybe a partial water fast and then the rest of the days add some vegetables and maybe fruit or juice's?

Yes, eat vegetables at least, and real fruit or fresh juice. Otherwise you will run out of vitamins etc...

Anyway, best of all would be to avoid this completely, if you don't mind. Fasting leads to your body destroying MUSCLES much before fat, which, besides being undesiderable in itself, causes a lot of waste from protein methabolism to build up in your blood stream, much the same effect as when you eat too much meat (and that is what you are doing, in effect, you are eating proteins and nothing else for days. Proteins from your own muscles). This is damaging and intoxicating, not puryfing at all. The "puryfication" only occurs during the first day or so, when you are still using up the energy reserves in your liver, and you burn toxins with them. But after that, you are on a diet of pure meat.

My source is a professor of medicine in a main university, explaining this on television on the main national channel, I happened to hear it just a couple of weeks ago. I'm not an expert in these matters, and I have no prejudice about fasting or diets, but what that guy explained was really convincing, and as I said it is a reliable source, I wouldn't trust much of what you find on the internet, where anybody can write anything. (this is actually quite ironical, as I find myself being a voice over the internet as well...)

I know it's easier to be drastic sometimes (psycologically, I mean), but you would probably do yourself more good by just reducing a little your calorie intake, without excesses.
Is this the first time you've tried a water fast? Maybe you could just aim for one week, don't overdo it all at once, and if you do well maybe water fast for 2 weeks if you do it again?


Well-known member
dreamer_13 said:
mary you just reminded me, i saw on the telie once that some celebrity who i cant remember went on a fresh fruit juice diet, and lost quite alot, and i was gonna do it but i tried making a smoothie but it tasted vile lol.

but im sure you could do it, and it does fill u up alot more than water

anyway when i say ood luck i mean good luck, im not gonna try and stop you from doin it...btw how are you doing today?

Hi dreamer_13, I'm not sure what all of that was directed at me or at jojo? In case there was any confusion I wanted to say that I am not going on a probably isn't healthy to do w/the pregnancy but I have done them in the past. I'm actually eating everything in sight.. :lol: Oh and about the juice fast you mention I think its something called, "Celebrity juice diet" and it tastes like orange juice but didn't make me lose wieght when I did it.
jojosparkles, maybe you can do a once a week water fast and it may be just as beneficial and a lot easier? Just a thought, but drink LOTS of water no matter what! :)


Well-known member
hey everyone thanks for all ya replies! i have read up alot bout this subject and i have done water fasts for 5 or 6 days before. as for diets...with bein bulimic i could write bout every diet going. lol! i also do exercise everyday aswell! what i am planning to do is water fast..then introduce juices and smoothies..which are full of energy and then fruit and veg and then go vegetarian. its a sorta detox. if i feel faint..dont worry..i will stop! it aint for weight loss either..its to get out of bad cycles of eatin..mainly binging. its like breaking an addiction and the emotional attatchement i have with food. weight loss will just be a side effect. dont worry all me lovlies i have me head screwed on. with all the hard work done on my sp i dont want to make myself poorly! i think the water fast will only last around 10 days anyway and then il go on im still gettin my calorie intake and energy. you can fast on juices for 30 is quiet safe as u still gettin ya nutrients! has been day 1 and im fine! a little bit tired but thats off work! im just goin to chill out! had no headaches or anythin..previously when i have fasted i get a sore throat but none of that either! drank over 2 litres of water already Mary so dont worry bout me!! anyway keep ya posted xxxxx
oh this is bout breakin addiction


Well-known member
Did anybody read my post? :)

I guess as usual reason cannot do much against the overwhelming force of emotional representations: WATER = PURIFICATION = HEALTH & BEAUTY :)

I think you really want to believe that this works, so when you look it up on the internet or elsewhere you instinctively select and read only what confirms the correctness of your belief.

Unfortunately, it is quite the opposite way around, as you will be needlessy intoxicating yourself with protein waste (even if you exercise).