I'm feeling really low today


Well-known member
I just know that tonight is gonna be one of those crying nights...I've been wanting to cry but I've suppressed it. Tonight when everyone's asleep, I'm gonna turn off the light, lay down in bed, and just cry my eyes out. Maybe pray a little. Oh gosh, I can't wait for this part of my life to be over...


Active member
Crying is fine if you can do it, and so long as its done in private then its a very healthy release I think. I don't do it personally, but I don't feel comfortable with it.

Anyway, how old are you? And what is this 'part of your life' that you expect to end so abruptly and for things to suddenly change? Life doesn't come in chapters, its one long stretch. Occasionally major events will occur that spur you on to change, you can wait for one of them if you like, or you can try and improve things for yourself now. Either way, it will be down to you to help yourself, that's just the way this works.

Hope that didn't sound negative. What I mean is that you have things you're not happy with, you can wait 5 years to sort it or you can do it now, but either way its entirely in your hands.


Well-known member
The part of my life I'm talking about is the unhappy state I am in. I know it will not last forever, because everything passes eventually. I'm not expecting it to change abruptly. I just can't wait until I've moved past it. That's all I meant.


Active member
kuhtreen said:
The part of my life I'm talking about is the unhappy state I am in. I know it will not last forever, because everything passes eventually. I'm not expecting it to change abruptly. I just can't wait until I've moved past it. That's all I meant.

Right. Well just like we can trigger bad episodes by certain things happening, we can also drag ourselves from the depths of depression by having a positive outcome to something. Now you can try to engineer that by going out and trying to improve how things are going, but having said that I'm very bad at following this advice - it is the most difficult time to get motivated and optimistic.

Either way, just remember the good times will be back and keep your chin up. Things will improve.


Well-known member
Sorry to hear about your situation, here's what helped me out:

Once I finally realized that sadness is usually temporary, I started to just "tank" my way through the times when I was sad. I'd just have a mental chit-chat with myself, and I'd just keep reminding myself: "Hey dude, it may seem bad, but seriously....just ignore that shit and cheer up, it's not a big deal at all, worse could happen." At first it didn't really work, but once you get a good feel for putting your sadness on the backburner, you'll realize that "the backburner" is actually the garbage can, and when you mentally decide to deal with sadness later, it tends to go away during the distraction of not being sad.

The point: it sounds counter-productive, but forcing myself to ignore sadness and sorta "save it for later" has greatly helped me deal with it. I'm much more happy even though I feel a little emotionless sometimes.

BTW: I just wanted to let you know that....I noticed you. What I mean is that I've only been a part of the site for a few weeks and I haven't posted much, but you really stuck out in the crowd (not in a bad way though!). I dunno, it could be as simple as that great profile pic you have, but just something about you is unique, intriguing, and just interesting all-around.

There's really no reason I'm telling you this, I just wanted to throw it out there. Sometimes it's just good to know that people know you're there.