I'm fed up


19 now, never even had a job since i left school. no friends. no confidence. always nevrous and feel like a right idiot when i go out. yes nice future to look forward to.. :evil:


Well-known member
You're only 19. You've got all the time in the world to turn things around! Man, I wish was 19 again...
Heya, it's true that you're still only young, but I know how you feel (I'm 18 ), and sometimes I feel lame, I'm doing my A levels a year late, I can't drive, I'm scared of getting a part time job this summer, but you have to fight it. If you don't now then you could end up being stuck with SA forever, and right now you're young enough to change your life around much more easily than you'll be able to when you're older.

If you need someone to chat to add me to msn ([email protected])

Don't give up x


Well-known member
cutefluffykitten said:
My advise is
Look after your health mentally and physically and dont try to fit into society

I agree with the first two, but if anything you should try MORE to fit into society. If you're socially inept as it is, how is isolating yourself from everyone eles going to help?


Well-known member
It probably does not mean much but your still young there still time to keep on course before you fall behind.The older you become the worst and harder it is to change.Trust me I was thinking the same thing at your age and I didn't take the steps to look after my metal health and I to this day regret it.You don't even have to believe it but keep the option open and at least try to get help.

Stick around people here now what there talking because lot of them has gone through much of what you have.


Well-known member
things change and they can change in just a moment, it could be anything like a conversation, having fun at a concert can give you the momentum you need to boost your confidence, just keep working your mind, its never easy


Well-known member
Im in the same position as you,but i am 21 and have had 11 jobs since i left school! so dont feel so bad :lol: I guess im just not cut out for the line of work i was in (mostly factory),your still young and theres plenty of time to get better and move on.Never give up.


Well-known member
I'm sorry. It's not like your stuck in that situation though. Your no longer in school you can go where ever you want and no one can stop you! Unless of course your broke and don't own a car. :?

Maybe you should apply for college? :)


Well-known member
Jim04 said:
College :?: :?: :!: 8O No chance.. I feel really f***'d up
You can study a lot of subjects online/at home these days. Worth a try, see how it works out.