I'm devoid of personality!


Well-known member
I'm so bored i've turned into a dummy devoid of personality...I have no emotions...I don't smile...I have no sense of humour...I'm flat. I just wish i could feel something; Anger, joy, sadness....This is worse than having those emotions. Atleast when i am angry i have passion and motivation.

I can't even be bothered to say hello to people and smile.


Well-known member
I feel like that sometimes. A couple of months ago I almost brought it up with my psychologist... I was going to say that I feel like my personality is disappearing, or that maybe Im afraid of having a personality in case someone doesnt like me for it.

When I talk to my co worker here on the farm, I find it so hard to show interest in what he's saying. I AM interested, I just feel so awkward putting emotion in my voice, or showing expression on my face in case I look ro sound stupid.

Having said that I just had a good day, and I was luaghing and smiling with my Occupational Therapist, and somehow I was able to put some enthusiasm in my voice when we were talking. Or atleast a lot more than usual.

So it can change, dont worry. Im wondering if my medication supresses my emotions a bit, because I havent taken them in 2 days (ran out) and today I was improved in the personality area. Probably not though, I think it just happened naturally and randomly - which is good.


Well-known member
At the moment i have no interest in what anyone says to me. When someone talks to me i think ''I don't give a toss what you say i have no interest!''...That's in my mind of course! I just find conversations a chore. I think if someone told me i'd won the lottery right now i'd just say ''oh'' in an apathetic manner.